Any and all lunch ideas are welcome (only restriction being they have to be vegetarian -- eggs are allowed). Here's a few things you need to know:
- Cook any kid approved Lunch box dishes with and post in your blog between July 15~August 15, 2016.
- Link to this post and Valli's Kid's Delight announcement post is mandatory.
- Old posts need to be reposted with links to this post and Valli's Kid's Delight event announcement post.
- Do not have blog, but want to contribute, then email me your recipes to I will post them on my blog and include them in the round up.
- Multiple entries are allowed, in fact they are encouraged.
- Only Vegetarian dishes please, eggs are allowed.
- Use of logo is optional.

Here's how to send in your entries: Email your entries to before end of day August 15, 2016 with the following information:
- Your name
- Blog name/ Blog URL (if applicable)
- Entry Name
- Entry URL (if applicable)
- Include a brief description of the dish and how he/she enjoyed it
- I can take the pictures from your posts, but if you have disabled right clicking in your blog, please send me a picture of at least 580px wide. Non-bloggers please email me a picture along with your recipe details.