Spirituality Magazine

Anita Hill Speaks Out On Harvey Weinstein Scandal

By Firstladyb
Anita Hill Speaks Out On Harvey Weinstein  Scandal
Anita Hill, who accused  U.S. Supreme Court Judge Clarence Thomas of sexual harassment back in 1991 is speaking out about the Harvey Weinstein scandal.

anita hillAnita Hill shared with Variety:

Successful men do harass. They act in ways that are abusive and sometimes illegal.

I do believe that people can change their behavior, but I think that after 30 years, you don’t get a chance to change and pretend it didn’t happen. Harvey Weinstein’s behavior continued beyond the ’60s and ’70s, so when he says, “I came of age in that era,” it is no excuse.

People have already reached the conclusion that Harvey Weinstein behaved in ways that are entirely inappropriate and, in some cases, illegal. What will be the consequences to him? We shouldn’t just be concerned with whether or not Weinstein will be able to make more movies and continue to have an impact in Hollywood. I would like to have as much attention paid to the consequences to the women he has abused. We should look at how this has impacted their lives and careers.

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