I had the opportunity to chat with Angela, and in our conversation she opened up about the media scooping their baby news (they're expecting their first child at the end of April), how she feels about being known as "Carey Price's wife", her favorite Montreal restaurant, and more!
Congratulations on the pregnancy - how are you feeling?
Thank you! I'm actually feeling pretty good, so I'm not complaining! The Diet Coke picture you shared to announce you were expecting was really cute - did you work with the brand on that, or just do it yourselves?
We are excited to announce that we are expecting...well, "confirm" that we are expecting is probably more appropriate. Our baby news and my rant about Montreal media on the blog today! A photo posted by Angela Price (@byangelaprice) on Oct 21, 2015 at 7:15am PDT
We just did that ourselves; it was actually very last minute! Carey saw the cans at the rink and grabbed them before coming home!
News of your pregnancy was shared in the media earlier than you would have liked - can you speak to that a bit?
We were a week out of having that all-important doctor's appointment where they check the heartbeat and make sure everything is good, and someone must have seen us at a doctor's appointment or something and the media released that we were expecting, so that's how a lot of our friends and family found out which was too bad. You're keeping the sex a surprise?
Yes, we have no idea, so we're very anxious to find out!
Of course you spend the hockey season living in Montreal {Angela is originally from Tri-Cities Washington, and the couple spends their off-season in Kelowna BC, near Carey's hometown}. What are some of your favorite things about Montreal?
The food...especially now, being pregnant! Montreal has some of the best restaurants out of any city I've ever lived in so that's definitely my favorite part!
Any one in particular?
Oh, I would have to go with Sho-Dan which is a sushi place downtown. Have you learned any French since you've been in Montreal, or did you already speak the language?
You know what, I didn't speak French before. I'm American so I didn't grow up with that but I've taken private courses, courses at the university, I've learned through Rosetta Stone and it's not sticking! But I'm continually trying!
What made you decide to start your own blog {By Angela Price}? You're helping me master my hair-curling technique, by the way!
Oh, great! Well, it kind of brought all of my favorite things together in one place. I love photography, I love telling my stories, and I'm so far away from friends and family and I'm awful at texting and keeping in touch so it's a good way to let everyone know what I'm up to. I just thought, why not?
I know you said on the blog that there's a silver lining to Carey being injured in that you're spending more time together than ever - which is especially nice with a baby on the way - but there must also be a lot of frustration and disappointment since he's not playing right now?
Oh for sure, especially since this season has been a little rough for the guys and of course Carey wants to be on the ice so it gets a bit frustrating when he wants to be able to help out and there's nothing he can do. I think it's nice that I'm pregnant and we have the baby to distract us and give us something to look forward to and take our minds of that a bit.

Congratulations on being part of the cast of Hockey Wives! What would you say are the best and worst things about being on the show?
I think the best thing is seeing girls that you were friends with in the past and probably wouldn't see again, and being able to be with them and catch up has been really nice. I'd say the biggest downside would be watching yourself on TV, and hearing how annoying your voice is, stupid little things that you don't like about yourself and are displayed for all to see! {Here I shared with Angela that I *never* watch myself back on television.}
Are you ever concerned about being known as "Carey Price's wife" - is it a struggle to keep your own identity?
It was a struggle at first but at the end of the day, I am Carey Price's wife and I'm proud to be. I don't really mind it, but I think people often forget that I am my own person and I have my own life which doesn't always revolve around him or the Habs necessarily, so that can get frustrating.
As a follow-up to that, what do you want people to know about you as an individual? {Warning: Hardcore Habs fans may want to skip this answer.}
Oh, good question. I don't know if there's anything in particular that I want people to know, just that I have my own interests and I think people think that hockey kind of runs our world at home and that's not necessarily true. At home, we're just the same as any other couple. We're not talking about hockey, not talking about the Habs, just normal everyday things.
Do you find you've faced much social media negativity - I'm thinking of the Twitter harassment faced by another NHL goalie wife, April Reimer - have you had any issues like that?
I haven't had any big issues but of course you're going to get those negative people and I always joke that it seems like I can't do anything right according to people on social media! Everybody has their opinions but I think I'm pretty lucky that it doesn't get to me. I feel worse for my friends and family who read that stuff and get all worked up and upset but to be honest it doesn't really bother me.
The impression I get of Carey is that he is pretty private and can be wary of media attention - how did he feel about you joining a reality show?
He definitely is a lot more private than I am, and when I first went to him about Hockey Wives, I was thinking he would automatically say no, but he didn't. He was open to the idea, so we discussed with the show the importance of Carey maintaining his privacy and not filming in our home with us, not requiring anything from Carey and they were fine with that. So now we're in control of when he's on the show and when I'm talking about him or our family so we were able to remain as private as we wanted so it's been a perfect fit. I know when I started my blog, a piece of advice someone gave me was, "Make sure you're only telling your story, and not your husband's or anyone else's," and I keep that in mind because I think it's important.

What can we expect on the new episodes of Hockey Wives?
For me it's a lot of baby preparations and baby showers, and just celebrating the fact that we're having the baby. I'm really looking forward to it because I think it's a really special time that the cameras were able to capture and probably some episodes that later in life I'll look back at. Because my blog is called This Mom Loves, I always ask my interviewees how they would finish the sentence "This mom loves..." in your case it's "This mom-to-be loves"! What are some of your favorite things - products, places, foods, activities, anything?
Okay, where do I start? I love eating, as you know. Matcha tea lattes are my number one, every day. I like spending time with family, I love my quiet times in the morning - which I'm scared are going to go away! - and I love the outdoors, the sunshine. Love it, love it!
You can catch new episodes of Hockey Wives on W Network starting March 16th, and find Angela on her blog, Twitter and Instagram.
P.S. Angela and Carey are involved in several charitable initiatives, and as a teacher - and Habs fan - I just had to finish off with this fun photo from Angela's Instagram.Had a pretty sweet set up today while reading to some kiddos for @englishmtl literacy event. A photo posted by Angela Price (@byangelaprice) on Jan 22, 2016 at 11:39am PST