Books Magazine

And the Winner of My $100 Bookstore Gift Card Contest Is....

Posted on the 21 June 2011 by Josiebrown @JosieBrownCA

Stacks-of-books Drumroll, please:

Gabby M., Scottsdale, AZ

Here's how I envision lucky Gabby's summer: she's found a cool spot somewhere outside in the early evening,  a warm breeze blowing flipping the pages of the book she is reading: one of the many that surround her, there in her own private reading space.

If her husband can keep the tots at bay for an hour or two, she can get into some grand mystery, or a heart wrenching trajedy, or some tell-all Hollywood saga.

Or maybe it's The Baby Planner.

In any regard, enjoy, Gabby!

Everyone else: Thanks for joining. My next contest starts later this month, and celebrates The Housewife Assassin's Handbook. Want to get a jump on it? Read this excerpt...

Summer rocks in SO many ways,


HAH Hanging Man V2

Murder. Suspense. Sex. 
And some handy household tips.

Signal Press - Digital eBook 

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 Also in in the Apple iBookstore!

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