Dining Out Magazine

And Now, KFC is Bringing Back the Colonel Again, Again.

By Keewood @sellingeating

Will KFC’s ideal customer feel like this ad respects their intelligence?

Well, if their ideal customer is post-post-post-ironic and a fan of SNL, for sure.

Okay, Darrell Hammond. Let’s give this Colonel impression a try.

I guess we’ll wait and see if the rest of America thinks this is funny/cool/respectful of their intelligence. There are still people who think the Burger King king was a great idea.

Prediction: I suspect this will be short-lived but, among a small group of fans with a refined sense of irony and appreciation of professional comedic skill and direction, reasonably well-liked. Maybe that small group is an influential group.

Let’s see where they take this re-resurrected Colonel.

(Do you think it sounds like he’s edging into Will Ferrell’s George W.?)

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