Celeb Magazine

And In “Entitled Asshole Couple Getting Slapped In The Face By Karma” News…

Posted on the 03 August 2017 by Sumithardia

And In “Entitled Asshole Couple Getting Slapped In The Face By Karma” News…
And In “Entitled Asshole Couple Getting Slapped In The Face By Karma” News…


The following story is delicious. Like scallop-wrapped-in-bacon delicious. LIKE RING-DINGS DELICIOUS. A Dallas couple got pissed off by a $125 fee that their wedding photographer charged them. Sane people would have left a less-than-perfect review somewhere to express their displeasure. We’re not dealing with sane people.

Entitled asshole couple Neely and Andrew Moldovan (even their name sounds evil) set out to systematically destroy photographer Andrea Polito’s business, as one does if you’re psycho killers qu’est-ce que c’est! And they were successful. But, as People reports, she fought back with a defamation suit. And on July 28, a Dallas judge ordered the Moldovans to cut her a check for one million dollars! That $125 doesn’t seem too pricey now!

It all started in January of 2015. The Moldovans reportedly wanted their wedding pics before the ETA Andrea gave them. They also balked at the $125 fee she charged them for the leather cover of their wedding album (it was custom made in Italy). Ultimately, Andrea said she would waive the fee. But it was too late. The Moldovans were off and running. And by “running,” I mean they ran their entitled asses to the nearest tv news station. They claimed in an interview that Andrea was holding their wedding photos hostage.

You would think a tv news appearance would satiate the Moldovans’ thirst for wedding photo vengeance. Not when the cheese has slid off your collective cracker! The evil Count and Countess (it just sounds right) Moldovan went IN on Andrea.

This ignited a social media campaign and press tour that focused on the Moldovan’s version of the story and eventually led to the demise of Polito’s company, according to the photographer.

The couple managed to rally hundreds of their followers into leaving negative reviews and comments on popular wedding photography websites and Polito’s social pages.

Neely Moldovan is one of those deplorable Goop-lite “lifestyle bloggers” who make their living being condescending to bored Caucasian women with too much time on their hands. So she had a fanbase. A fanbase that she recruited to help her and her husband’s smear campaign against Andrea. Is this the plot of American Horror Story: Cult?

Andrea’s lawyer Dave Wishnew laid it out for us to People magazine:

“It instantly burned down the reputation that Andrea built up over 12 years. She didn’t book any more weddings after that. It was done. The negative reviews destroyed her reputation, and in a business that is largely word-of-mouth, no one was referring her.”

In addition to “evil” and “crazy,” the couple also qualifies as “shady” and “without conscience.

Wishnew argued that the Moldovans’ negative social media posts about Polito’s company were more about promoting themselves than about their photographs. “They admit in their messages and the evidence in court that they wanted it to go viral, and they wanted it to ruin Andrea’s business,” he says. “The more traffic that goes to Neely’s blog, the more they can have sponsored posts, and more sponsored posts means more money.”

Andrea says she was “humiliated” and that her “life fell apart.” Eventually, she filed a defamation of character suit. It took three years, but justice won!

The Moldovans have been left raw by karma. Neely’s blog seems to have been shut down, and she’s gone private on Twitter. They released a statement to the press after hearing the verdict.

“We are stunned. We did what consumer advocates say to do: When you are wronged, you fight back. We were unhappy with a situation, so we complained like anyone would. This court decision tells consumers not to speak up for fear of fat legal bills and painful judgments. If this is the cost of standing up for what’s right, we should have given in to start with. But we hope to prevail in the end. We’d love nothing more than to put this behind us and focus on raising our five-month-old child.”

Please note the insertion of the child for the sympathy vote. Andrea, who has since rebuilt her business, put aside her glass of Krug long enough to release her own statement, to People magazine.

“I finally feel some vindication after almost three years of a legal battle brought on by a fabricated news story and a social media attack. I hope my story provides an example for businesses and consumers of how quickly a successful business and reputation can be damaged by false information and social media bullying.”

Is this how the Moldovans react to everything? When their babysitter wants to raise her rate, will they eff with her college applications? Can you imagine what happens when one of their bags is over the weight limit at the airport, and they have to pay to check it? The reaction must activate the airline’s anti-terrorist measures. They probably take hostages. Good luck to that five-month-old. *cringe*

Pic: YouTube

Source: And In “Entitled Asshole Couple Getting Slapped In The Face By Karma” News…

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