I am sorry for my very long absence. Those of you who where here for my last post might remember the last thing I was talking about was RYBSAT. While this was good in theory, getting through things on my shelf, I picked a very bad point of my shelf to read and it sent me into the longest slump since starting blogging. I read Child of the Prophecy by Juliet Marillier, and while I did enjoy the book it took me forever to get through and the thought of moving onto the next ones made me slow down… Both these things we all know we don’t want for a read-a-thon! I also finished Dragonfly in Amber by Diana Gabaldon not that long before hand and wanted to get into the next book in that series I couldn’t pick it up until after I had reviewed Dragonfly, and I had no motivation to do that in my slump. So no audio books for me either. I also find that when I have all the time in the world, I do very little because I think I have all the time in the world.
But I am starting back up again.
In the time I have been gone I have finished my tafe course, lost a job due to lack of work, and I am now training at a new job, I feel its time to start pushing myself again.
I do have some thing written and prepared to be posted if not scheduled, but I will not be giving you a list of what is to come this time like I did with my last wrap up post. I am unsure in what I order I wish to post these things yet because some of them are time sensitive. I want to do a couple of book hauls, but first I have to post some videos I have made (hehehe) and if I do both I will not have time for very many book reviews this month. So you guys should let me know what you would prefer, get the videos and hauls out of the way and then do reviews mostly next month or catch up on some reviews and do hauls next month (videos will still be this month).
I will give you guys a small TBR for this month however:

Till Next Time….