Ananda College Colombo S. Thomas Mt Lavinia, Royal and Maliyadeva Kurunegala entered the semi finals of the All Island Inter School Tennis Tournament conducted by the Sri Lanka Schools Tennis Association which is now in progress at SLTA courts .
Top four teams of the each group entered the semi finals of this tournament.
At the quarter finals held yesterday Ananada beat Royal B, Nalanda, Zahira, S. Thomas Richmond, Maliyadeva and St Peter’s respectively to came on top of the group and entered the semi finals which is scheduled to be held today at the same venue .
The final will be held tomorrow (27) .
Royal beat St Joseph’s Negambo, S. Thomas , Ananda ‘B’ , Maliaydeva and St Peter’s finished as group leaders . (D.R)
Thursday, May 26, 2022 – 01:00