Books Magazine

An Update (That Inevitably Includes ASOIAF)

By Lizzi @lizzi_thom

How is your GoodReads challenge going this year? Mine is not going well. I've read three books and am apparently five books behind schedule. You know why? A Song of Ice and Fire. I've been reading A Clash of Kings for what feels like a year, and I'm only just over halfway through. There was a point where it all started to feel a bit... long. I found myself wanting to hurry up and get to the end of the book so that I could move on. This was partly because I have seen a version of what I am reading in the TV adaptation, Game of Thrones. There are a lot of differences between the books and the TV show, which means that there is a lot that is new to me - but I know where a lot of it is heading. I read a scene, no matter how good, and go 'oh yes, this is where he...' I know what is coming (mostly).

So I have some doubts about continuing, about reading the entire series. But there is the question of now that I've started, I want to finish. And the books are much richer than the TV show, which is great, so I do really enjoy the books. I've also made a deal with my boyfriend, who has read the entire series and is eagerly waiting for me to do so, that every other book I read will be ASOIAF ... admittedly it was made on a night out, but I do plan to stand by it.

So I won't be posting any reviews until I've at least finished A Clash of Kings - but does anyone really need to read another review of it? I'll post my thoughts on GoodReads, briefly, but I'm not sure I'll write a whole review. I've just got to plan what to read next!! I have committed to doing TBR20, so I've got a relatively small selection to choose from... but that won't make it any easier!

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