Books Magazine

An Update

By Lizzi @lizzi_thom

Hello dear readers - as you may have noticed, the blog has been rather quiet of late. I had a total reading slump leading up to Christmas, though I did manage to finish one book at the end of December ( Miss Jane by Brad Watson) which I will review at some point. I'm currently reading Mindhunter by John Douglas, as I loved the Netflix show based on it, and I love true crime. So far it's a fascinating and engaging book, and I am very much enjoying it.

I am currently getting over the flu whilst also taking antibiotics for a chest infection, so I'm not exactly on the ball with keeping the blog updated. Life has got in the way too much recently, for better or worse. I've also just turned 30, which is making me feel old and weird.

I am still going to review books and keep blogging, but I think over the next few months the updates won't be too frequent - but I am still here, still reading, still being 30. I've just got to get the hang of fitting everything in as life changes.

Happy reading x.

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