Debate Magazine

An Open Letter to St. James' Church at Christmas

Posted on the 27 December 2013 by Mikelumish @IsraelThrives
Michael L.
This has been going around and although I am not reprinting the whole piece it can be read in its entirety over at JDU.  Written by Michael Dickson, the Director for StandWithUs, Israel, here is the opening:
St. James’s Church, in Piccadilly, London, decided to celebrate Christmas by erecting a 26 foot replica of the wall section of the Israeli security barrier outside their church and project anti-Israel propaganda on it as part of their “Bethlehem Unwrapped” ‘festival’. 
Here is a letter I sent today to the pastoral and administrative staff of the church. 
You can see the extent, planning and money that went into this stunt on this clip.

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