An Ode To Teachers.

Teachers play an important role in shaping our life. If you are among privileged who took formal education or even when you are among the non-educated there are people in your life who teach you something or the other in course of journey of life. Apart from life I have learnt many things from many teachers I encountered in life whether it’s about subject like Science, History, Literature, Geography or things helpful in daily life which make us more experience.
Naming any one teacher will devalue the contribution of others. So I restrict myself from naming anybody and before going further with the topic I like to remember my English teacher whose death news I have heard recently. He taught me English from Seventh to Tenth class. He depends on his life experiences while teaching than on bookish knowledge. We used to enjoy his classes. I was a bright student and teacher’s favorite but on two occasions in my school life I got slapped. Once in first class when as a monitor I slapped somebody so hard that his head struck the wall and started bleeding. Principle madam then slapped me for wrongful use of power. Another instance was of sixth class. Here our group of four friends was teasing somebody from many days every time. One day he complained to the Science teacher who was our favorite. She slapped others and me in disappointment because we broke her trust. After these incidents I avoid slapping people or teasing in a way that hurts them.
Something we also learn by ourselves from life’s experiences. Those moments make us stronger by inculcating things required by us to face that problem. I was upset/broken after my father’s death and when I read my poems around that period they are all sad, related to death and of motivations to come out of that pain of loss. This situation taught me many things. Learning is a lifelong process and you must not stop it to be a better human being. You may also learn things by observing behavior of total strangers, or even more TV shows and movies. So keep on learning throughout your life. Again I would like to thank my teachers to be part of my life and teaching us to face the world. Also remember Dr S. Radhakrishnan whose birth anniversary in the form of Teacher’s Day give us chance to remember our teachers. He was a great educationist and teacher. HAPPY TEACHER’S DAY