Arts & Crafts Magazine

An Ode to My DAD -My Hero!!!

By Unknown

Dad is ....
To my mom, a loving, caring, God fearing and a sacrificial person,
To my friends, he is a patient, calm, and a wonderful teacher,
To the eligible bachelors (when I was single) he is a firm and strict yet wise man-(Every time these guys tried to make small talk with my dad (coz they knew they had to win my dads heart to win mine)Dad would just ask just one question (they were about 16/17 yrs old) Where do you think you will be(career wise) in the next five yrs?The looks on their faces was just hilarious.... I guess they didnt even have a clue where they would be in the next 5 mins LOL)
To his colleagues he is a highly intellectual and a honest man-(He was the head of a team and their successful contribution for Jaguar Aircraft was published in the UK newspaper, he has also worked with the Ex President dr Abdul Kalam for the  development of the LCA aircraft.)

To his subordinates he is an amazing Boss who has always treated everyone justly and helped them to climb the corporate ladder(Yes, there are many success stories.... and No, I may not be one of them- just in case you were wondering LOL)
To his friends, he is loyal, truthful and 'forever' friend,
To his enemies.... (Im yet to find one) he is their best friend,
To my brother, (in his words) "He is awesome man, he knows everything about everything!! I cant fool him!!!" LOL
And to me he is all that and my HERO!!!
I always prayed that I wanted to be like him when I grew up........ I didnt know that being him would be such a challenge!!!
And at times I see the contrast in me rather than similarities and Im so thankful that he still believes in me.........
When everyone (including me) gave up he believed in me,
When I failed, he gave me the assurance that its just a stepping stone to success.......
When life's burdens got too heavy to bear,
He gave me his shoulders to lean on and whispered wise words into my ears...
When he saw the joy in my eyes and smile on my face he had tears of joy in his......
For all the heart aches that I gave him,
He gave me his undying love and intern taught me to love others ....... Coz of His undying, unselfish, abundant love, I can understand Gods amazing love. God has sent a piece of Him to me. Thank you Jesus!
Thank you dad for being YOU!!! You are my hero and always will be.......... but as you know, now I have a hero who has taken precedence over you - My Jai:) Who loves me dearly...... Yep yep Im in good hands and I believe my kids will grow up and call him their hero!! As we moms fade away in the background, we shed tears of joy and stand tall with pride seeing our family being blessed!!
Definitely behind every successful man there is a wife- who keeps saying he is wrong!! LOL 
To all the Dads out there... keep on lovin and watch ur steps coz ur lil munchkins are trying to follow urs..... Have a fantabulous Fathers Day!!!
An Ode to my DAD -My hero!!!Dont forget to check out some amazing fathers day gifts that my kids made :)
Heres a traditional south Indian breakfast dish for dads:)
An Ode to my DAD -My hero!!! 

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