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An Letter To My Wife On Her Birthday!

By Thibben @aspieadventures
   Today is my wife Samantha's 27th Birthday!  So since I'm so weak that I broke down & gave her present to her a night early I thought I would post a bit about this amazing woman who has changed our lives in so many ways! We really are the luckiest 4 guys on the face of the whole planet earf!! (May need some explaining: After watching Independence Day with Will Smith I can't help but say "Earf" now because Will punches the alien saying "Welcome to earf!" it makes me giggle)
on to the awesomeness!

An Letter To My Wife On Her Birthday!

A Letter To My Wife

Dear Samantha,
An Letter To My Wife On Her Birthday!
   When you were just a kid & rocking some Clarrisa Explains It All/Blossom hair I bet you had no idea your life would end up like it has.  In our years together we have been through so much & we all know you don't hear how much we love you near enough. So on your birthday we thought we would let you know!
An Letter To My Wife On Her Birthday!

We loved you when you were young & fresh & had know idea of what you were getting yourself into by going on that first date with me.
An Letter To My Wife On Her Birthday!

We loved you when you were still getting crash courses in our split personalities & only sleeping for an hour a night. We loved you when you got up the next morning after not sleeping & did all the things that you had to do & only pulled out one hand full of hair instead of all of your hair!
An Letter To My Wife On Her Birthday!

We loved you because no day was to big, no meal was to messy, & no meltdown was to nuclear for you...even dad's!
An Letter To My Wife On Her Birthday!

We loved that even though you knew how crazy we were & how crazy life was you still wanted to add another brother, friend, playmate, & co-hort to our mix.
An Letter To My Wife On Her Birthday!

We love that you made it all legal & official!
An Letter To My Wife On Her Birthday!

We love that you are never to busy to read us a story....
An Letter To My Wife On Her Birthday!

that your never to busy for us to tell YOU a story....
An Letter To My Wife On Her Birthday!

& never to busy to check out the things we find matter what they may be!
An Letter To My Wife On Her Birthday!

We love that you are there for us on the days that we are cute & want to cuddle!!
An Letter To My Wife On Her Birthday!

& on the days that we may not be cute & cuddly!
An Letter To My Wife On Her Birthday!

You show all three boys understanding & love even when they do things they shouldn't...
An Letter To My Wife On Her Birthday!

& the same goes for dad!!
An Letter To My Wife On Her Birthday!

We want to be just like you!! Cause your awesome! In conclusion...
An Letter To My Wife On Her Birthday!

You are one classy broad & we love you very much!!
   Tom, Jayden, Zion, Deano, & Steve the Cat. 

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