Culture Magazine

An Hysterical Republican Message

By Fsrcoin

Because I once contributed, I still get Republican fundraising emails. It’s a revealing — and scary — window into their world. (Click here for one parroting Trump’s despicable “spygate” lie.)

An hysterical Republican message
A message I received Monday was hysterical — in both senses of the word. I literally burst out laughing. It’s from a PAC called “” Here’s how it begins:


The Democrats have struck a blow to President Trump’s

Supreme Court Nominee—Brett Kavanaugh.

They spent nearly 2 weeks trashing his reputation

and insinuating he’s a rapist.

Now they’re delaying a Constitutionally required


Umm . . . Merrick Garland?? Whose Supreme Court seat Republicans stole by refusing to vote at all — denying it was “Constitutionally required?”

That’s what made me laugh out loud. The shameless hypocrisy is beyond hysterical. But it isn’t funny that these creeps are actually in power in America.

An hysterical Republican message
In addition to asking (of course) for money, “GreatAgain” urged calling three wavering senators to “demand” a vote for Kavanaugh, helpfully listing their numbers:

Call these Senators and tell them:

“We’re not playing this game.”

Sen. Susan Collins of Maine (R-ME)  (202) 224-2523

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.VA)  (202) 224-3954

Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska (R-AK)  (202) 224-6665

An hysterical Republican message
So, thanks to GreatAgain, I did contact the three: urging a vote AGAINST Kavanaugh, who’s crucially lied about his position on Roe v. Wade, if nothing else; who plenty of evidence shows was a nasty drunk; and whose out-of-control partisan rant before the Judiciary Committee renders him totally unfit for the nation’s highest court.

Last night we had some people over. We don’t drink beer, but my wife filled the fridge with 6-packs. “What,” I said to her, “were you expecting Kavanaugh?”


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