Gardening Magazine

An Extraordinary Poinsettia

By Kate_miller

An Extraordinary Poinsettia

I think these variegated reds and greens are just gorgeous.

Have you been having trouble sleeping? Well, you came to the right blog! This post should knock you out...
Just kidding. Well, maybe not. Of all the flowers in the world that I could be yapping about today, I imagine I'm the only one who cares about a Poinsettia so long after the holidays.
But, this is no ordinary Poinsettia. I've had her for several years. And, I'm just fascinated with her. I guess the conditions in my home are perfect because she turns red without all the hoo ha.
* If you listen to the experts, Poinsettias need 14 hours of total darkness every day, for eight straight weeks, in order for the leaves to change from green to red. And, if you screw up that regimen even once, you have to start all over again. 
I suppose I would have to follow those rules if I wanted a solid red plant. But, this one doesn't get any of that special treatment. She lives in a south facing window and right about the middle of March... we start celebrating Christmas. {Granted her biological clock is way off kilter, but I still think it's pretty cool.}
* Poinsettias can reach 10-15 feet in height. I'm grooming mine to be an indoor tree in the sunny room.

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