
An Exhaustive List of the Most Popular Cross-browser Testing Tools

Posted on the 30 August 2021 by Testsigma @testsigmainc

Cross Browser Testing is one of the most growing needs for software development companies today.

Reasons being –

i. The penetration of the internet in almost every aspect of life

ii. A large number of mobile devices are being manufactured and being used, all around the world. Thus, a mobile app needs to support a large number of devices. At least, the ones that their customers might be using.

iii. To access one website, users have the option of using one out of tonnes of browsers available today.

Thus cross-browser testing – to make sure that a website works on a wide range of browsers, and a mobile app works on all the devices a customer might be using – becomes a necessity.

To cater to the need discussed above – there are multiple testing tools that have been developed with different features.
In this article, we have tried to create an exhaustive list of all such cross-browser testing tools available today. Some of these tools are free, some premium. Some support automated testing, some manual.

Some let you test on real browsers and devices while some make the use of emulators and simulators. In this article, we will try to mention all of those. Do let us know if there is anything else you’d want to know about these tools.

1. Testsigma

An exhaustive list of the most popular cross-browser testing tools

Testsigma is a completely cloud-based automated testing tool that comes integrated with multiple cloud device lab that hosts more than 2000 real browsers and devices.

Supports manual testing: No

Supports automated testing: Yes, via simple English for codeless and JAVA for complex customizations

Supports testing of a locally hosted website: Yes

Supports geo-location testing: Yes

Supports automated visual testing: Yes

Allows testing on real devices: Yes 

Allows testing on emulators/simulators: No

Free/Premium: Premium, they also have a free trial for 30 days.

Automate your elaborate cross-browser test cases easily with Testsigma

2. LambdaTest

An exhaustive list of the most popular cross-browser testing tools

A cloud-based cross-browser testing lab that hosts 2000+ real browsers and devices. 

Supports manual testing: Yes

Supports automated testing: Yes, via selenium and cypress

Supports testing of a locally hosted website: Yes

Supports geo-location testing: Yes

Supports automated visual testing: Yes

Allows testing on real devices: Yes for browsers. but iOS and Android devices are hosted on official emulators and simulators

Allows testing on emulators/simulators: Yes, for iOS and Android devices

Free/Premium: Premium, they also have a free plan for light manual testing

3. Browserstack

An exhaustive list of the most popular cross-browser testing tools

A cloud-based cross-browser testing lab that hosts 2000+ real browsers and devices. 

Supports manual testing: Yes

Supports automated testing: Yes, via selenium, cypress, and JS Testing.

Supports testing of a locally hosted website: Yes

Supports geo-location testing: Yes

Supports automated visual testing: yes

Allows testing on real devices: Yes

Allows testing on emulators/simulators: No

Free/Premium: Premium

4. CrossBrowserTesting (Smartbear TestComplete’s sub product now)

An exhaustive list of the most popular cross-browser testing tools

A cloud-based cross-browser testing lab that hosts 2050+ real browsers and devices. 

Supports manual testing: Yes

Supports automated testing: Yes, via selenium and appium.

Supports testing of a locally hosted website: Yes

Supports geo-location testing: Yes

Supports automated visual testing: yes

Allows testing on real devices: Yes

Allows testing on emulators/simulators: No

Free/Premium: Premium

5. SauceLabs

An exhaustive list of the most popular cross-browser testing tools

A cloud-based testing platform that allows continuous testing, automated testing, live testing on the cloud.

Supports manual testing: Yes

Supports automated testing: Yes, via selenium, espresso, appium, xcuitest, cypress, TestCafe, playwright, puppeteer

Supports testing of a locally hosted website: No

Supports geo-location testing: Yes

Supports automated visual testing: yes

Allows testing on real devices: Yes

Allows testing on emulators/simulators: No

Free/Premium: Premium

6. Selenium Box

An exhaustive list of the most popular cross-browser testing tools

Selenium Grid can be installed with an enterprise firewall and then can be used for continuous testing and cross-browser testing.

Supports manual testing: No

Supports automated testing: Yes, via selenium, appium and playwright

Supports testing of a locally hosted website: No

Supports geo-location testing: Yes

Supports automated visual testing: No, can be programmed and done.

Allows testing on real devices: Yes

Allows testing on emulators/simulators: No

Free/Premium: Premium

7. Ghost Inspector

An exhaustive list of the most popular cross-browser testing tools

For automated execution of cross-browser tests. Codeless automation is done via record and playback. Complex scenarios supported via Selenium and Cypress.

Supports manual testing: No

Supports automated testing: Yes, via record and playback, selenium, cypress

Supports testing of a locally hosted website: No

Supports geo-location testing: Yes

Supports automated visual testing: Yes.

Allows testing on real devices: supports responsive testing

Allows testing on emulators/simulators: No

Free/Premium: Premium

8. Browsera

An exhaustive list of the most popular cross-browser testing tools

This is a tool for automated browser testing, and is good at reporting layout differences and scripting errors on the site. Browsera analyzes and compares the pages for you, using sophisticated algorithms to detect unsightly layout issues.

Supports manual testing: No

Supports automated testing: Yes

Supports testing of a locally hosted website: No

Supports geo-location testing: No

Supports automated visual testing: Yes.

Allows testing on real devices: No

Allows testing on emulators/simulators: No

Free/Premium: Premium

9. Perfecto

An exhaustive list of the most popular cross-browser testing tools

This is a completely cloud-based testing platform that also supports cross-browser test execution.

Supports manual testing: Yes

Supports automated testing: Yes, via scriptless and cypress.

Supports testing of a locally hosted website: Yes

Supports geo-location testing: Yes

Supports automated visual testing: Yes.

Allows testing on real devices: Yes

Allows testing on emulators/simulators: Yes

Free/Premium: Premium

10. continuous testing

An exhaustive list of the most popular cross-browser testing tools

This is a testing platform that focuses on enabling continuous testing for enterprises and provides cross-browser testing via the cloud.

Supports manual testing: Yes

Supports automated testing: Yes, via selenium grid

Supports testing of a locally hosted website: Yes

Supports geo-location testing: No

Supports automated visual testing: Yes.

Allows testing on real devices: Yes

Allows testing on emulators/simulators: Yes

Free/Premium: Premium

11. Browserling

An exhaustive list of the most popular cross-browser testing tools

For quick cross-browser testing (and responsive testing) of your website.

Supports manual testing: Yes

Supports automated testing: No

Supports testing of a locally hosted website: Yes

Supports geo-location testing: Yes

Supports automated visual testing: No

Allows testing on real devices: No, responsive testing supported by resizing

Allows testing on emulators/simulators: No

Free/Premium: Premium and a free trial version

12. Functionize

An exhaustive list of the most popular cross-browser testing tools

A test automation platform that is cloud-based and comes with test cloud for cross-browser testing.

Supports manual testing: No

Supports automated testing: Yes

Supports testing of a locally hosted website: Yes

Supports geo-location testing: No

Supports automated visual testing: Yes

Allows testing on real devices: No

Allows testing on emulators/simulators: Yes

Free/Premium: Premium

13. Mabl

An exhaustive list of the most popular cross-browser testing tools

A test automation platform that is cloud-based and comes with a test cloud for cross-browser testing.

Supports manual testing: No

Supports automated testing: Yes

Supports testing of a locally hosted website: Yes

Supports geo-location testing: No

Supports automated visual testing: Yes

Allows testing on real devices: No, though supports responsive testing via chrome emulation

Allows testing on emulators/simulators: Yes (chrome emulation)

Free/Premium: Premium

14. TestingBot

An exhaustive list of the most popular cross-browser testing tools

A cloud-based test automation platform that supports cross-browser testing.

Supports manual testing: yes

Supports automated testing: Yes, via record and playback, selenium, puppeteer, cypress, playwright, appium, TestCafe

Supports testing of a locally hosted website: no

Supports geo-location testing: No

Supports automated visual testing: Yes

Allows testing on real devices: yes

Allows testing on emulators/simulators: no

Free/Premium: Premium, free trial

15. IE NetRenderer

An exhaustive list of the most popular cross-browser testing tools

This is a free tool that lets you test the rendering of your website on multiple versions of internet explorer manually.

Supports manual testing: Yes

Supports automated testing: No

Supports testing of a locally hosted website: No

Supports geo-location testing: No

Supports automated visual testing: No

Allows testing on real devices: No

Allows testing on emulators/simulators: No

Free/Premium: Free

16. IE Tab

An exhaustive list of the most popular cross-browser testing tools

This is available in the form of a chrome extension. Using this tool, you can test your website on different versions of Internet Explorer while being on chrome.

Supports manual testing: Yes

Supports automated testing: No

Supports testing of a locally hosted website: Yes

Supports geo-location testing: No

Supports automated visual testing: No

Allows testing on real devices: No

Allows testing on emulators/simulators: No

Free/Premium: Premium

17. Browsershots

An exhaustive list of the most popular cross-browser testing tools

A free open-source online web application that will take screenshots of how your web browser looks on different browsers and show them to you.

Supports manual testing: Yes

Supports automated testing: No

Supports testing of a locally hosted website: No

Supports geo-location testing: No

Supports automated visual testing: No

Allows testing on real devices: No

Allows testing on emulators/simulators: No

Free/Premium: Premium

18. Ranorex Studio

An exhaustive list of the most popular cross-browser testing tools

A test automation tool to automate for desktop, web as well as mobile.

Supports manual testing: No

Supports automated testing: Yes, via record and play, C# and

Supports testing of a locally hosted website: Yes

Supports geo-location testing: Yes

Supports automated visual testing: Yes

Allows testing on real devices: Yes

Allows testing on emulators/simulators: Yes

Free/Premium: Premium

19. Turbo Browser Sandbox

An exhaustive list of the most popular cross-browser testing tools

This is like a sandbox of browsers that can be accessed online and can be used for live testing of your website.

Supports manual testing: Yes

Supports automated testing: No

Supports testing of a locally hosted website: No

Supports geo-location testing: No

Supports automated visual testing: No

Allows testing on real devices: No

Allows testing on emulators/simulators: No

Free/Premium: Free for 5 users, for more it is Premium

20. Applitools

An exhaustive list of the most popular cross-browser testing tools

A test automation platform for testing on the web and mobile, that specializes in visual testing.

Supports manual testing: No

Supports automated testing: Yes, via applitools SDK that supports over 50 frameworks and languages

Supports testing of a locally hosted website: Yes

Supports geo-location testing: Yes

Supports automated visual testing: Yes

Allows testing on real devices: Yes

Allows testing on emulators/simulators: Yes

Free/Premium: Free for one user and more than that is Premium

21. Ghostlab

An exhaustive list of the most popular cross-browser testing tools

Via Ghostlab, you can connect your browsers and devices and make your website run on them in parallel.

Supports manual testing: Yes

Supports automated testing: No

Supports testing of a locally hosted website: Yes

Supports geo-location testing: No

Supports automated visual testing: No

Allows testing on real devices: Yes

Allows testing on emulators/simulators: No

Free/Premium: Free

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