Books Magazine

An Everyday Thing by Nancy Richardson BLOG TOUR

By Pamelascott

Nancy Richardson's poems concern coming of age in the rust-belt of Ohio during a period of decay of the physical and political structures that made the region once solid and predictable. Her poems chart the shifting of the foundations upon which a life is built and the unpredictability of events that have profound personal and political consequences, including the shootings at Kent State University.


[She slid from her bed on the morning of May 4, / chose the bright red blouse for the occasion / of the day of her death (Kent State, 1970)] ***

(Finishing Line Press, 12 July 2018, ebook, 120 pages, copy from @PoeticBookTours, and voluntarily reviewed, taking part in the blog tour on 18 August)



This is my first time reading the poet. I really enjoyed the poems in this collection. I have very specific tastes in poetry, more so than fiction. I'm not a big fan of nature poetry. I prefer poems that are personalised, that focus on experiences, even if tackling big issues. An EveryDay Thing is chock-full of the kind of poems I enjoy the most. The poems are spare, most of them less than a page long. They are more than the sum of their parts. An EveryDay Thing uses vivid images and rich language. I enjoyed every poem and read some several times for sheer pleasure. My favourites are Kent State Trial, Undercover Dates, Locusts, Queen Anne's Lace, Fathers and Shredding.

Everyday Thing Nancy Richardson BLOG TOUR

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