So often when preaching on a topic I find myself having to really live it out in the weeks before… This Sunday my wife & I are both preaching on giving thanks in ALL situations, and in the last 10 days the following has happened:
- I have broken my foot, requiring painful surgery.
- I’ve had to cough up over R15 000 ($1000) in unexpected car issues.
- Our cat was hit by a car and badly injured.
- My wife’s laptop was stolen.
- Our whole family got a bad gastro bug (I’ll spare you the details!)
- Plus two fairly devastating work incidents that I can’t mention.
And yet…
To be honest I am feeling GRATEFUL, because there is ALWAYS something to be thankful for. I am thankful for:
- The fact that we have cars.
- That our cat survived.
- Medical Aid that covers most of my surgery.
- Insurance that enables us to replace the laptop.
- Our usually very healthy family.
- My job.
This is what I’m learning: