Wendy Whisman practicing.
..or so opined Glenn "InstaCracker" Reynolds.Of course, I'd argue otherwise. And my post about guns and bars the other day illustrates that perfectly.
Doing a bit more research into the incident at "Da Bomb" or Bombadier Club as it is also known paints a vivid picture of the perils of gunloonery. As the news accounts note, Ms. Whisman apparently got into an argument over a pool table inside the bar. This argument escalated into a fistfight between Ms. Whisman's boyfriend and another man.

Whisman--no longer "Da Bomb"
This is where things should have ended. A fat lip, a bloody nose..maybe a chipped tooth.But it didn't. Because Wendy Whisman pulled her gun.
She fired into the crowd, striking another woman (who had come to the club to celebrate a birthday) and a man. Fortunately, both suffered wounds that weren't life-threatening.
What's revealing is that Whisman isn't some "gangbanger" (the term used by gunloons to describe those who misuse guns); she isn't some kid, she's 40 with kids. Because Whisman elected to go drinking--with a gun--her life has changed forever. She faces some pretty serious jail time and I'd imagine a couple of civil suits.
The moral is pretty clear; every gunloon believes he is going to be responsible and make the right decision appropriate to the situation. Wendy Whisman probably thought so as well.