Recent updates, tell that Ajit Jogi's son Amit Jogi got an arrest order today around 1:51 P.M. The arrest took place after the complaint of BJP leader, Sameera Paikra the lady who contested elections against him in 2013.
Amit Jogi, former MLA, got arrests from home over allegations of cheating. He is accused because of his lying on election affidavit about his birthplace.
Amit Jogi was arrested from his home in Bilaspur. Ms. Paikra approached the court and said that Mr. Jogi is lying about his caste and birthdate. Hence, the court scrapped this petition saying the term of this assembly has ended.
The BJP leader then went to the police and filed a fresh complaint about Mr. Jogi. She alleged that Mr. Jogi has declared a false year and place of birth. In the affidavit, he has shown 1978 and Sarbehra Gaurela village as his birthdate and birthplace respectively. But he was born in 1977 in Texas. Information tells that Amit Jogi will come before a court as per the orders and actions will be taken. He is accused of giving wrong information in the election affidavit. Senior Officer Mr. Sanjay Kumar Dhruv quoted this.
Further, the Ex-Chief Minister (Ajit Jogi) says that all the allegations imposed on his son are false.
Therefore, for more details, stay updated with TheNextHint.