There are thousands of people from all over the world who are looking for some alternative method to earn money online. But there are some questions which are coming into their mind. I try my best to explain every question in detail below, its 1st part and you can find more soon. These questions are not limited to providing answers before starting a blog, I will try my best to answer new questions in this series soon.
All of these questions are added on the base of what people are talking about on social media. It's very important for every blogger to learn about blogging before starting. You can see many people on Facebook talking about their failure because they never understand or clear all concepts before starting a blog. Read carefully all questions in this series and also the coming episodes.
SUBSCRIBE FOR LATEST UPDATESWe invite new bloggers or writers to write for us in exchange for FAST INDEXED DO FOLLOW BACKLINK, SOME HIGH-QUALITY NICHE BACKLINKS & ALSO GET FREE KEYWORDS. Visit on WRITE FOR US. To know more about our missions, please visit About Us.
1- How many days it can take to earn money from blogging 1st time?
This is a common question that comes to everyone's mind. Those who never start blogging, planning to begin 1st blog, or many bloggers who are doing blogging for months, look for answers to this question. In my opinion, if you are not able to make 100 dollars at the end of the 3rd month, you must think about what mistakes you have done in blogging. If everything is done correctly like, KEYWORD RESEARCH, PROPER BACKLINKS, SOCIAL MEDIA STRATEGY, HIGH-QUALITY CONTENT, you must be able to earn 100 dollars at the end of 3rd month and over 300+ next month.
Some other experts may disagree with me. But if a new blogger follows our tutorial and prepares before starting a blog, they can start earning before this time. Some people who start blogging always think about earning money within one month, this is completely wrong. It's not affiliate marketing, we are talking about earning money from Adsense. If you create an affiliate marketing site, you may earn within 2,3 weeks because it depends on sales, not visitors. In affiliate marketing, you don't need search engine traffic, but to earn money from AdSense, Google traffic is very important or they can put ads limit on your account.
But there is another factor which is very important and it can affect your earning. If you focus on traffic from the USA, UK countries, this graphic can change. The above graph is all about mixed traffic from premium countries and other nations like Pakistan or India etc. You can say 60% Premium to 40% other countries. If all traffic is from other countries, you may see a change in graphic to low earning.
Another most important factor which can affect your earning is niche selection. If you choose to create a site about gaming, you will see some ads that are showing related to games purchase, etc. If you create a site about reviews of high-quality products, most ads you can see on your site are always related to those products. It means these ads from expansive products can give you more earning, one purchase of any of these products can give them a lot of money, they don't mind giving you 2,3 dollars. Creating an education-related site is also very effective, you may see a lot of university-related ads for every country. Clicks on these ads can seriously change this graphic to a higher level.
Blogging is all about patience, never quit adding value able content on your site. But if you are not able to achieve the above graph target in 3-6 months, I strongly suggest you think about what you are doing? Blogging is really amazing sometimes if you target 20 keywords with 1000+ traffic, one rank keyword in the top 10 with some social traffic can affect everything. Long quality content can rank you for over 1000 keywords automatically.
2- What is the importance of continue writing content?
Writing to continue on your blog is very important because it can affect traffic on your site. For example, if you write 20 posts every month, you are getting a chance of ranking for more keywords & also a lot of traffic compare to someone who just writes 5 posts every month. Continue updates on your site can also give google signal about fresh content is continue coming on this site, but if you stop writing, it can affect your blog badly.
There is no rule for writing how many posts every day or week for a new blog. But normally what I suggest is to write 1 post with over 2000 words one day, complete SEO & sharing the next day. It means 15 posts every month, but if you are completely free, I will suggest you write 1 post every day. Continue writing is a different process, its not like you are adding 25 posts on your blog without a schedule. It means you write on blog continue following a special schedules like 1 post after every 2 days or 3 days.

What do you understand from the above schedule? Writing 3-4 posts on days when you get time or write continue? I suggest you follow 2nd options because you will get more effect on your traffic. For example, if you write 1 post to your followers on email or social media with 3 posts 1 day and 4 other days, you will receive traffic on 2 days out of 14 days. But if you continue to send them an email or share with posts 7 times in 2 weeks, it will double your traffic.
It's a very positive impact in google ranking about the blog being updated on a regular basis, You can easily get AdSense approval because of continued updates. It's not a necessary condition for Adsense approval, but they like fresh continue content on your site when you apply.
3- Importance of creating a Brand site - Why most bloggers fail to be successful?
If you want to get visitors to come back to your site automatically, creating a brand site is very important. Normally there are 2 rules to follow when you create a blog, create content on a specific topic, just add random content like most bloggers. For example, most of the bloggers who create a new site, they just focus on keywords from search engine only. No one care about forcing visitors to become permanent subscribers. It's great if you create a site that focuses on different keywords to get traffic from google, but no one will follow you forever if they don't consider your site providing value on a specific topic. Understand this concept with the below example.
- Creating a site that is all about well-written content with videos about Recipes.
- Make a site that focuses on teaching blogging or any other course which people are actually looking for these days.
- Answer site which id focusing on helping people on a specific topic like solving gaming errors.
- A Mod site about trending game which thousands of people are searching for all the time.
- Latest news updates with continue posting which are not common anywhere. You can create a site that combines news from all over the world and publishing with something new to users.
Above are a few examples that are very important for new bloggers to understand. People will automatically come back or become permanent followers if you create an authentic site on a topic.
Most of the new bloggers are fail because they are creating a site about topics that people don't want to follow. Creating a multi niche site is also bad for getting followers who are interested in specific topics. No one wants to read about topics they are interested in and receiving too many updates from your site. But if you make a site about beauty tips, only those will follow who want content about beauty tips, adding more posts will give you more traffic.
4- Is it possible for us to compete with millions of already created blogs?
A really important question which come to everyone's mind who wants to start a blog. There are thousands of sites created for every single topic, people continue adding more every day. There are some reasons why you must create a blog on the topic, read them carefully.
- If you want to create a unique brand that provides more value then already existing sites, you can create your own following. Understand with this example, In real life, if you start a new business in a location where already 2,3 shops are opened providing the same services, what will happen with your fresh business? It will only divide customers, people who live very close to your shop will love to buy from you. Look at the below graph which can help you understand better.
Look at the above example, all people from the green zone are going toward 1,2,3 because there is no one close to them. If you create a shop in the green zone, no one will visit the other 3 zones. Creating a new business always impact already created business and help you grow your own. But blogging is a little different because one visitor can follow more than 1 blog at the same time.
If there are 100 sites created on health tips, you can't compete with them in search engines. But if your content is really valued, you can use social media and get a permanent lot of followers. It means you can make your own space in a large world with millions of blogs if your brand site which provides information about specific topics is really valued.
2. Another option for you to reach to top is to look for content written by sites on any keyword or topic. If the top 10 sites are ranking by writing 2000 words, adding 10 images or 5 videos, 20 backlinks, why you can't beat them?
Can you see what is happening in this table which is the live result for a keyword using Ahref Tool? There are millions of blogs created for different topics, but if you talk about any specific keyword, you can always find your place. Lets talk about table in more details.
- To rank in the top 10 for this keyword, you need to write more than 3000 words which actually provide value to users. It's not like just adding more words to compete with others, your content must be unique and better than all of these sites.
- Can you see 601 backlinks and ranking at 6th position, why not on 1st? It's all bout quality of backlinks if you create backlinks from low authority sites, no value is added to your article or site. Creating relevant and high authority backlinks from less site is better than creating backlinks from 1000 weak & irrelevant sites. In my opinion, 100 backlinks are enough for you to rank for this keyword, mostly you can get ideas from already created backlinks by these top 10 sites.
- You can add more images or videos on your site which is not hard these days. Lots of tools, free sites are there & only add images which are providing value to users, don't run after numbers when competing against the top 10 sites.
- Look at keywords these posts are ranking in google, just get a list of all these keywords from different posts & use them in your post naturally. Google can always rank a post-1000 time if they find it relevant to different keywords. Why not make it simple for Google to rank you faster without matching your content to 600 other words which are not part of your content, just use them somewhere if possible. Never use all 600 keywords, look for low difficulty, related keywords for your post.
Find some keywords which are less competitive, write better content & work hard on Off-Page SEO to make your own position in the world of millions of blogs.
3. Target different countries with less competition. If a keyword is hard to compete in one country, you cant look for its difficulty level for other countries. Google is very intelligent and they always try their best to provide users with more relevant results. If you create a site that focuses on a topic in India, you can easily defeat all sites which are created by other people from different countries.
You can easily look for google live results, if you search for a keyword in your country, you can see different results, but the same keyword in other countries can show completely different results sometimes. It's all about hard work and finding a topic which you can rank in your country or any other country in the world.
Language is also important to factor, try to find some topic in the local language which can help you rank easily. For example, if people are searching for a keyword in Hindi or Urdu language, you can always find weak sites ranking in the top 10. But ranking for a keyword in the USA is really difficult because of top brand sites are created by SEO experts on almost every topic. Target local topics to get ranked higher by competing against people from your country with weak sites ranking in the top 10.
5- Is blogging similar to business or like a job? Can we replace the job with blogging?
Yes. Blogging is similar to business because of many reasons. Below is a comparison of blogging vs job which can help you understand and decide yourself.
- Fix Time vs Make your Own Schedule - If you are working as a blogger, there is no fixed time in a day. You can create a post anytime, do SEO, and other stuff without limits. There is no fixed schedule for days, weeks for you. But on jobs, you must follow tight schedule every day. It's like you are forced to go on duty sometime when you don't want it. But blogging is different, giving you a chance to make your own work schedule.
- Salary Deduction - Another major advantage of blogging is no loss of money if you don't work one of 2 days. But if you are not able to go for work when doing a job, they can deduct your salary as per their rules. There is no one deducting your money from Adsense if you don't work for some time, you are completely free without any loss. The same rule apply if you get sick, looking for off because you need to visit someplace. You cant imagine how much it's difficult sometimes when you are not able to visit someplace or attend an event because of not able to get leave from the job. In blogging, you are free from this type of troubles because you can pack your laptop, take anywhere or quit for 2,3 days in case of an emergency.
- Constant earning vs Open World - When you are employed by any company, they don't care about your hard work. Sometime, they may give you a promotion or appreciation with words only. You can't see any money coming out of it, this is reason most people doing jobs are just finishing their normal work and go home. But in blogging, if you work hard, you can earn more money. Imagine creating 20 posts instead of 5, or making 100 backlinks instead of 50, this will all affect you're earning a lot. Your site can rank higher with more backlinks, more content means more keywords to rank for getting too much traffic.
- Fix Pay vs Unlimited - When you are working in a company, they always pay you to fix money. Most of the time some employees lose their budget at the end of the last few days. Delay in salary can force people to look for loans and many more problems. Blogging is different because earning can increase every month when your site gets older, more people follow you, your content rank for more keyword, increase in social media presence for traffic, these all factors are very important. If you earn 100$ from your job, it's possible you may earn some money after 1 year. But in blogging, if you earn 100$ in 3 months, you may earn 5000 dollars after 1 year.
- Losing a job vs Losing Your Blog - There is no guarantee for anyone who doing a job in any company. you can get kicked out anytime because of many reasons like the company is losing profit and they need to remove some people, the boss wants to hire someone else because that someone is their relative or ready to work for less salary, etc. I think everyone know about how much its hard to find a new job in today's world? But blogging is different if you lose your blog & hard work which is not possible mostly because backup options can restore everything, you can begin again anytime. Every time you create a blog, it will increase your knowledge and next time you will be able to build a more successful site than before. You can begin anytime, create a new blog & you will find better results in half time compared to the previous blog created by you.
Now, the most important question, can we replace a job with blogging? Yes, it's possible for most people. Our tutorial is all about teaching people to follow what steps to become successful in blogging. Below are some rules to follow if you want to begin blogging.
- Never quit your job, continue learning about blogging, prepare for it and when you earn your 1st 100 dollars, you can think about leaving your job.
- Don't start a blog until you learn everything, prepare for it. Otherwise, you will end up like hundreds of people asking questions in the Facebook group about what to do now?
- If you are jobless, unable to find a better job, use this precious time to learn to blog while searching for a job. begin with watching videos from YouTube for the basic concepts. Connect with people from Facebook groups who are there to help or some WhatsApp groups too.
6- What is the minimum cost to begin a blog?
There are different types of costs to start blogging which everyone must know before starting a blog. Balanced between all of them is very important.
- - 1st of all you need to buy hosting and domain which you can easily purchase from different sites. Never purchase expansive hosting if it's your 1st site, look for the cheaper basic package. After you begin earning, just upgrade your package anytime. I suggest you purchase cheap hosting from CREEM HOSTING which begins for just 12$. Their 24 hours support is always there for you to help to solve any issues. This hosting is best for most people from India, Pakistan, and also Bangladesh. After that, you need to buy tools like Ahref or Moz which are very important for you to do keyword research or make backlinks and also do site audits to look for errors. I suggest you buy them from this site SEO TOOL JUNCTION for cheap rates and shared plans. It can cost you 6 dollars minimum which is enough for a beginner site with a lite plan. A third most important part of the money section is Laptop or internet connection. It depends on you, I cant calculate any amount for it. Now, do you understand that starting a blog is not much expansive when it comes to money?
- Time - There are no time limits for you to work for blogging. But you must understand how much time you spend, you will get more chances to earn money. But you can start with 3,4 hours per day and if doing a job, try to spend 10 hours on an off day. You can easily make a schedule for blogging everyday which can include your important tasks like you must write a post or half every day, do keyword research for 30 minutes to find more keywords, create minimum 10+ backlinks for new posts or home page, share on social media which can take 30 minutes maximum. But your off day is very important for you to fix any site errors, work hard on SEO, make more backlinks, and share more compare to normal days.
7- Can we create a blog in any language or we need to be perfect in English?
Yes. Its possible and sometimes perfect idea if your English is not good enough. But you must remember about the limitation of creating blogs in local languages. Read below some important factors which you must look before the creation of local language blogs like Hindi or Urdu.
- Creating a blog in Hindi or Urdu language can affect your earning because you will never get good CPC because of traffic from India or Pakistan. Solution : Try to focus on people of these countries living outside like the USA, Canada, etc.
- English is very common and you can find people from all countries who can read content written in English. If you create a blog in Hindi, you cant focus on a worldwide audience. Solution : Try to add easy translation options for your blog posts or site which allow everyone to read it in any language.
- Competition is very high sometimes because most people in these countries are creating a blog all the time to earn money. Unlike people from the USA or other countries, you can find triple time more people in India, Pakistan looking for earning from blogging. Solution: Create better content and also look for increasing site authority which most people don't even know how to do it?
8- Which type of content is not acceptable by Adsense and how we can earn from those blogs?
Adsense is very important if you are looking for earning money from blogging. There is no other ads network that can replace it. But there are different kinds of sites which they don't accept but you can still earn money from them.
- Games download sites - Thousands of sites are created on this topic already. You can find too many sites ranking in Google which provides you with downloads of games which is completely illegal. There is no way to get AdSense approval for these sites because it violates their policies.
- Software download sites - There are sites with cracked software provided free. But people know about viruses that are added on download files. All of the stuff is illegal and Adsense never approves sites that allow users to download stuff free which they are suppose to buy legally.
- Movies or Tv series Download or watch online sites - Another illegal content site, AdSense will not approve it and these are common sites which most bloggers are creating.
There are some common methods which people are following to earn money from these sites. Some of them are explained below.
- Create good quality content and get approval from Adsense, after that start adding this type of content. Remember, its always risk to get banned anytime. Many sites with illegal content, you can see AdSense approved because of these tricks.
- Make a subdomain with illegal content after approval from Adsense on the main domain with legal content. This is also risky but hard to find sometime when you mix up with original content.
- Use other ads network which is specially created for this type of purpose. Url shortener is best because when people are looking for downloading a game or watching movies, they will not mind waiting a few seconds for URL shortener ads.
- (Visit Home Page of Tutorial) Amir Blogging Tutorial
- (Read about more questions in series) Answer to Questions Part 2
- Answer to Questions Part 3
- (If you clear your mind-reading all questions, visit ) On-Page SEO - Summary
- (A most important part of SEO to rank your posts, Visit ) Off-Page SEO - Summary
Some of the questions which we answer above are very important to clear the minds of all new bloggers or those who are failing. If any question comes to your mind, please write below or use Contact Us form. I will answer every question with complete details in the next episode. New bloggers can ask or review of their site to get AdSense approval or make a better site.
Share on Social Media to help other bloggers who may want to begin a blog without mistakes or those who already fail to earn.