Amesha Hettiarachchi the promising athlete of Girls High School, Kandy once again came to the limelight as she established a new meet record of girls under 20 category 400m hurdles at the National junior Athletic championship which is now in progress at the Sugathadasa Stadium.
Amesha finished the final with a time of 1.01.40 seconds. Her heats held earlier and she was able to make better time of 1.01.04 seconds to set up new meet record. Amesha Hettiarachchi who has already qualified for the World Junior Athletic championship which will be held in Colombia is in fine form before this major event. Sri Lanka Athletics is looking to give much needed exposure for these athletes to reach their top form.
Meanwhile three more new meet records were set up in this junior meet. The meet will be continued next two days.
New meet records (during first two days)
Keshani Udeshani Weerasinghe (Princess of Wales Moratuwa) Javelin throw girls under 16 (37.42m)
Jayawi Ranhidu Alwis (Royal College Panadura) Shot Put boys under 18 (16.98m)
K.M.D Dharshana (Ambagamuwa Central College) 400m hurdles boys under 20 (52.11m)
Amesha Hettiarachchi (Girls High School Kandy) 400m hurdle girls under 20 (1.01.04 seconds at heats)
Thursday, June 9, 2022 – 01:00