Politics Magazine

Americans Overwhelmingly Want Marijuana Legalized

Posted on the 10 December 2019 by Jobsanger
Americans Overwhelmingly Want Marijuana Legalized
Americans Overwhelmingly Want Marijuana Legalized
Americans Overwhelmingly Want Marijuana Legalized
Americans Overwhelmingly Want Marijuana Legalized
Americans Overwhelmingly Want Marijuana Legalized
Americans Overwhelmingly Want Marijuana Legalized
These charts are from a new Civiqs Poll. It was done between April 24th and December 7th of a national sample of 124,154 registered voters. No margin of error was given, but with this large a sample it would be no larger than 1 point.
The poll showed the same thing that other polls have shown (but with a much larger sample) -- that the overwhelming majority of Americans (66%) support the legalization of marijuana. Only 24% opposed legalization.
And that was true among the demographic groups (gender, age, race, education). Only one group had more opposing legalization than supporting it -- Republicans, and even there the opposition was only a scant 2 points over legalization (43% support to 45% oppose).
It is time for politicians to stop punishing Americans for possessing and/or using marijuana. It should be legalized -- by both the national government and by all the state governments. It is not a harmful (or "gateway") drug -- and the tax money raised from its sale could help keep down other forms of taxation.
The poll questioned registered voters in each of the 50 states, and those results are shown below. Note that a majority of the citizens in 49 states support legalization, and the other state (North Dakota) has a large plurality (48%) supporting legalization.
Marijuana prohibition must END!
Americans Overwhelmingly Want Marijuana Legalized Americans Overwhelmingly Want Marijuana Legalized Americans Overwhelmingly Want Marijuana Legalized Americans Overwhelmingly Want Marijuana Legalized Americans Overwhelmingly Want Marijuana Legalized

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