
Americans Fear Their Democracy a Year After Capitol Riot, Polls Show

Posted on the 03 January 2022 by Geetikamalik

WASHINGTON: One year after the attack of violence at US Capitol, America remains very concerned about the health of their democracy and about one third said violence against the government can sometimes be justified, according to two polls published Sunday.
January 6 attacks in the Congress seat, led by supporters of Donald Trump, is “a sign of increasing political violence,” and American democracy “threatened,” according to two-thirds of those surveyed for CBS polls.

Meanwhile, the “pride” of America in democracy has fallen sharply, from 90 percent in 2002 to 54 percent now, the Washington Post / University of Maryland survey.

With the commemoration of January 6, the polls offer specific causes of concern: CBS found that 28 percent of respondents believed would be used to maintain the election results, while 34 percent told the Washington Post that acts of violence could sometimes occur justified – the biggest percentage in several Decade.

The results underlined the views that appeared almost unable to divide the American society, the President Joe Biden – who took office 14 days after the Capitol riot – had promised to overcome it.

Two-thirds of Trump supporters continue to believe in unfounded accusations that Biden is not a legally selected president.

Trump has discussed thousands of supporters shortly before the Capitol attack, told them that the selection had been “rigged” and that they had to fight like hell. “

About 60 percent of those surveyed said Trump bears responsibility for the Capitol invasion just as parliamentarians set to declare Biden’s victory.

‘Coordinated efforts’

There again, the opinion follows the partisan path: 83 percent of the Trump voters put their level of responsibility only on “some” or “no,” post surveys were found.

And 26 percent of Americans want him to run again in 2024, according to CBS.

The elected committee of the House of Representatives has spent months working to build their roles and responsibilities that incite or may have organized the protest.

Regardless of limited cooperation from the circle in Trump, the panel has done more than 300 interviews and collects thousands of documents.

“We have revealed some of the things that caused us to be a real concern, things like those who tried … damaged the integrity of our democracy,” Chairman of the panel, Bennie Thompson’s representative, said Sunday on ABC.

“It seems to be a coordinated effort on a part of a number of people to weaken the election,” he said.

“It can be people in the executive branch. Can be people in the Department of Defense … and some individuals are very rich.”

He said he would not hesitate to refer to evidence of illegality to the Ministry of Justice.

Liz Cheney, one of only two Republicans in the panel, on Sundays greatly condemned Trump for the waiting hour before urging the capitol rioters to retreat.

He could easily release a call like that, he told ABC.

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