These charts (from The Wahington Post) are troubling. They show that Americans are getting shorter and fatter, and their longevity compared to other nations has dropped significantly. One might ask why this is happening. I think a big clue is contained in the charts (especially the chart below).

Note on the charts that the problems with height, weight, and longevity started about 1980. What happened in 1980 that could have caused this? The Republicans gained enough power to change the country's economic system.
Their new "trickle-down" system tilted the economic playing field to favor the rich to the detriment of 90% of Americans. They said giving the rich more money would benefit everyone, because that money would trickle down to the rest of the country.
That didn't happen. The rich did get richer, but nothing trickled down. The bottom 90% saw their wage remain stagnant and be gobbled up by inflation.
How does this relate to height, weight, and longevity? Because if a person has less money, then they get less food, shelter, and adequate medical care (because the price of all three has grown significantly). Income/wealth is a big determiner of health, and the poorer the health, the more it affects height, weight, and longevity.
The Republican's horrendous economic system is not just unfair, it is actually affecting the health of most Americans. This can be fixed, but not until the Republicans are voted out of power!