Politics Magazine
American Public Unsure About Russian Plan - But Still Opposes Military Action
Posted on the 14 September 2013 by JobsangerThe above charts are from information contained in the recent Gallup Poll. That survey was done on September 11th and 12th of 1,038 nationwide adults (with a margin of error of 4 points).
Recently, the president put his plans for an attacking Syria on hold. He had taken the proposed military attack to Congress to get some political cover, since it was becoming obvious that most Americans were against military action. But when the Russians came up with a plan for Syria to give up its chemical weapons by putting them in the hands of other countries, the president say a possible way out of the dilemma he had put himself in -- and he asked Congress to delay any action regarding the proposed attack on Syria.
Are Americans buying into the Russian plan? Do they think it will work? If this survey by Gallup is right, Americans are doubtful. The country is split right down the middle on whether the plan could work -- with 45% showing optimism over the plan and 44% expressing pessimism about it. And that division cuts through all political preferences -- with Republicans, Independents, and Democrats all split on the issue.
But in spite of doubts about the Russian plan, Americans are still opposed to this country taking military action against Syria. In fact, this poll shows that opposition to military strikes against Syria has actually grown in the last week. In the Gallup Poll taken on September 3rd and 4th, about 51% were opposed while 36% were in favor of military action. In the September 11th and 12th poll, the opposition has grown to 62% while the number in favor has shrunk to 28%.
Congress and the president need to cross their fingers and hope the Russian plan works, because if it doesn't they will be voting on an action clearly opposed by the majority of the American people.