Back in February it was announced that Israel has lifted its ban on USA beef, thus opening the market to imports from the United States.
The US Foreign Agriculture Services based out of Cairo, along with the US Embassy in Tel Aviv, informed the public this week very celebratorily on Twitter that the first shipment of "American Beef" has been sent to Israel, making it the first such shipment in 13 years.
They posted pictures online announcing the arrival of the first shipment with the Ambassador enjoying some good American beef, and pointed out that it is all kosher.

So far they have yet to answer my queries as to where it will be sold, under what hechsher and if it will be reasonably priced. The closest I have gotten to an answer is the FAS responding to me saying the shipment just arrived so it is too soon to know where it will be sold.
That being said, according to an article on Agnet announcing the first export early in November, it says the beef is under the certification of the Israel Chief Rabbinate, bears the brand name King David and is being touted as the tastiest beef around... funnily enough by the end of the article they found a way to compare this new business venture to the Chicago Cubs....
I'll be keeping my eyes out for this new brand of beef in our supermarkets...
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