TV & Video Magazine

Amelia Rose Blaire Interview

Posted on the 06 July 2014 by Thevault @The_Vault

True Blood’s Amelia Rose Blaire talks about the current seventh season of ‘True Blood’ among other things in a recent interview. She discussed how she was a fan of the drama series since the first season, so being cast in the role of Willa was a surreal experience for her; how she’s excited to showcase how Willa’s relationship with Eric will be changed during the current season, as a result of the Season 6 finale; and how she likes working on television series like ‘True Blood,’ as she doesn’t immediately know the fate of her characters, unlike in films, which allows her to stay in the present of each character.

Below is a portion of that interview:


SY: You appeared in several episodes of ‘True Blood’ during the sixth season, starting with the second episode, ‘The Sun.’ How did you initially prepare for the role of Willa, and what was the process of staying in her mindset for the current seventh season?
ARB: Well, last season Willa went through the Vamp Camp. So I visited the Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles, and watched a lot of movies from the Holocaust, particularly a documentary ‘Forgiving Dr. Mengele.’ The movie is about the doctor who worked with Hitler, and did some creepy experiments on the prisoners. So those were some of the things I used to get into the mindset of what Vamp Camp meant and how it affected me.

With this season, I didn’t know where Willa was going to go before we shot the episodes. So I stayed present with each script I received, and looked at where the season would take me.

SY: Eric, who’s played by Alexander Skarsgard, was responsible for turning Willa into a vampire last season. Will their relationship evolve over the course of this season?
ARB: I think it has to change, based on all the stuff that happened during the Season 6 finale. I’m excited to show what goes down between the two of them this season, because it’s definitely an important relationship.

SY: Since ‘True Blood’ aired its first five seasons before you first portrayed Willa, what was the experience of joining an acclaimed show so late in its run? Were you a fan of of the show before you joined the cast?
ARB: I’ve been a fan of ‘True Blood’ since Season 1. I remember watching the pilot and freaking out about it. So when I got cast on the show, it was really surreal. At the beginning of preparing for each episode, we had a table read with the cast and a lot of the crew. So seeing every single one of my favorite characters and actors sitting at the same table was unreal.

Working on the set, it was such a huge production. There’s so much that went into each episode. Seeing how all of that came together, and seeing all the secrets behind the vampires, was really inspiring. They made it easy to give over to your imagination, especially with all the sets, makeup and wardrobe.


Read the rest of this interview with Amelia by going to:

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