Books Magazine

Amazon and Library E-book Lending

By Andyross

The latest chapter in the ongoing saga of  the  uneasy relationship between book publishers and began to unfold last week.  Penguin Books  announced that they were suspending their distribution of new digital books in the Kindle format to libraries. Penguin  and other major publishers will continue to license e-books in Adobe EPUB format, the format favored by all e-reader vendors except Amazon. If you have an Apple iPad, a Sony Reader, a Nook or use any of the readers running Android operating systems, you will be reading EBUB formatted books. If you are using a Kindle, you can only read books in the Kindle format.

The reasons given by Penguin are opaque; they mentioned “security considerations” (whatever that means.) As in all matters associated with e-books,  there are lots of issues and interests at stake in this decision. Let’s try to  ferret out the real back story of all this.

Publishers have always been uneasy about licensing e-books to libraries. They will tell you that they support libraries as the institution in America that creates readers and builds literacy that, in turn, allows  publishers to flourish. Most people won’t argue about this. However with the advent of e-books and e-book library lending programs, publishers are  concerned that this will harm their own  sales of e-books. The reason that they are more concerned about this  than they have been about traditional library lending is because it is so much easier to check out an e-book than it is a physical book, and an e-book is always in pristine condition no matter how many times it is lent out. The reader need not worry about those nasty spots and  unsanitary stains that populate the margins of the pages of a typical library book.  In the past in order to check out a library book, the reader must actually go down to the library and go through the normal hassles, parking, stepping over undesirables, etc.,  in order to be told that the few  titles  that the customer would actually want to read have  waiting lists for the next 3 months. Using the library e-book check out service, you can get a copy of your favorite book while at home  by downloading it  any time day or night.

To be perfectly fair, libraries have managed  in their new e-book services   to recreate every reason that you have avoided   going  to the library in the first place.  I belong to the Oakland Public Library and have availed myself of the service from time to time. And it is convenient when a book I want to read  is in stock and available.  I lie in bed, I hit a button on my new iPad, I get my book. Sweet! However, as with traditional books, the financially hard pressed libraries can only order a limited selection of popular titles and those in  small quantity.  So I still have to wait weeks or even months for the books I want to read.  Of course there  are always lots of books immediately available that are less in demand. In Oakland, most  of these books seem to be  in Chinese or Spanish and accordingly are not of great  interest to me. They have a pretty good selection of Berenstain Bears titles as well.

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