Books Magazine

#AMagicSteepedInPoison by @judyilin

By Pamelascott

I used to look at my hands with pride. Now all I can think is, "These are the hands that buried my mother."

For Ning, the only thing worse than losing her mother is knowing that it's her own fault. She was the one who unknowingly brewed the poison tea that killed her-the poison tea that now threatens to also take her sister, Shu.

When Ning hears of a competition to find the kingdom's greatest shennong-shi-masters of the ancient and magical art of tea-making-she travels to the imperial city to compete. The winner will receive a favour from the princess, which may be Ning's only chance to save her sister's life.

But between the backstabbing competitors, bloody court politics, and a mysterious (and handsome) boy with a shocking secret, Ning's life might be the one in more danger.


They say you can spot a true shennongh-shi by their hand - palms coloured by the stain of the earth, fingertips scarred from thorns, a permanent crust of soil and blood darkening the screcents of their nails.CHAPTER ONE


(@TitanBooks, 6 September 2022, e-book, 432 pages, #ARC from the publisher via @ NetGalley)



I chose A Magic Steeped In Poison at random from my approved titles on NetGalley. I really enjoyed it. There's going to be at least one follow-up, so I look forward to reading it. I really enjoyed the world-building and the way Ning's culture, and society is brought to vivid, memorable life. I especially enjoyed the detail added about the history of tea-making. This fascinated me. This is well-written and engaging with great characters. I liked it a lot.

#AMagicSteepedInPoison @judyilin

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