Drink Magazine

Always Looking Forward Or Relishing in the Past?

By Bolanrox

eoc_growler.jpg (800×600)An honest question.  when it comes to beers would you rather try something that you have never had,  or do you find yourself going back to a past favorite.  Now, in this case, I am not talking about constantly running after the newest one-off limited collaboration.  It could be a year rounder you never had, or some new release or whatever.

I find myself going for something new each time.  Most of the time if i could always get a mix and match six-pack I probably would.  That’s not to say I did not like what I have had,  in fact I have loved quite a few of them,  but to get through a 6 pack or a 4 pack even with these leaves me antsy.

If I had the storage space, the access to filling stations or breweries, and the free cash, I would the biggest growler costumer.  Especially now that they have those fun turn a growler into a mini keg carbonation units!   Put it this way I will never win the regular badge on Untappd.

On the other hand, some people would love to stick with a base of favorites and try something new every once in a while. Someone who could live on a kegerator.

Neither is wrong, but where do you guys fall?  Somewhere in the middle?  Or to one end or the other?

Always looking forward or relishing in the past?

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