Lifestyle Magazine

Always Be A GOAL Digger

By Cait @caitscozycorner
Good morning from Chicago friends! It's a bit chillier here then Atlanta but I still wanted to hop over here and share a little #MondayMantra with you all. So many of you have reached out and really enjoyed this little segment on my blog so let's keep it going!
Today I wanted to talk about GOAL digging. That's right..not GOLD ( I aint sayin' she's a gold digger.. ) You know just got that song stuck in your head too ha. But GOAL digging is so important, especially when it comes to ourselves, our work, our family, our friends and blogging! So how can you be a goal digger? Whats steps can you take to achieve your goals? I want to share a few ideas with you! Always Be A GOAL Digger
1. Set SMART Goals- I've heard this so many times over the months and years of blogging that setting goals is important but setting SMART goals is better. What do I mean? 
SMART stands for S - specific, significant, stretchingM - measurable, meaningful, motivationalA - agreed upon, attainable, achievable, acceptable, action-orientedR - realistic, relevant, reasonable, rewarding, results-orientedT - time-based, time-bound, timely, tangible, trackableThis is essential when thinking about where you want to be; blogging, work wise, relationship, family, friendship etc. Make these important and always in the back of your mind when you're thinking about your goals.2. Set MOTIVATION Goals - When you have goals, its important these goals not only keep you on track, but motivate you. They are important to you and that you actually have and want value in achieving them! If you don't have any interest, then the chances of you putting in the work to make them happen are pretty slim. Motivation is your key to achieving these goals! Also, make sure these goals can relate to your priorities in your life. Sometimes you can have way to o many goals which gives you little time to devote your time and effort to each one. This takes commitment of course so you need to feel a sense of urgency sometimes to get it done. On the contrary, if put it off then you feel disappointed and frustrated with yourself. Point being- make them essential and catered towards your needs! 3. Get Outside Your Comfort Zone- Last week I shared about going outside your comfort zone and how important it is to do that. When setting goals, you want to be realistic but also challenging. Sometimes by being uncertain and going outside your comfort bubble, you want it badly to make wit happen. Maybe it's quitting your job that you hate or moving across the country like we are. Maybe it's getting a new recipe down or hitting a health milestone!
Here are a few ideas to help you with some goals that you might have
1. Is there a goal you've been wanting to accomplish that you've been thinking about for years?
2. What are your top 5 goals or values you have?
3. What is something that you have control over that you can make happen?
4. What is something you want to make happen before you turn that next decade?
Remember.. you've got put to put in the work with big goals like this. Big goals come with big rewards and they need to be meaningful enough so that you find it necessary to make it happen. Sometimes the biggest goals may be so hard but once you get to that point, you'll be so thankful you stuck with them to make it happen. Now, go get 'em!
How are you setting big goals this year? 
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