Family Magazine

Alternative Uses - Toothpaste

By Maxwell1212 @MummyToTheMax
Last week Maxwell had a fun session of drawing on our walls with crayon. As a parent I was horrified, horrified that he had actually drawn on the walls and horrified as I had no clue how to remove it. Luckily my mom suggested for me to use toothpaste and fortunately it removed the crayon stains however after it got me thinking what else is toothpaste good for. Alternative Uses - Toothpaste
1. To remove toothpaste off walls you need to use a non-gel toothpaste. Simply apply a little toothpaste to a damp cloth and start scrubbing the wall in circular motions. Go on to apply a little more if the stain is not shifting. Slowly rinse off the wall with water. If the marks have not completely gone let the wall dry and retry cleaning the marks off.
2. Ben has many pairs of shoes however sometimes he struggles to get marks and stains off them. Occasionally he turns to using toothpaste to remove the stains. All he does is dab a little toothpaste on to his shoes and rubs at the mark/stain. If the stain only fades he tends to retry and remove the stain again a few days later.
3. All our appliances in our kitchen are chrome. I often struggle to keep the appliances shiny however recently I have been using Toothpaste. Just smear on the toothpaste and polish with a soft, dry cloth and the chrome should come up shiny.
4.Maxwell can be a messy toddler and we sometimes find carpet stains. Toothpaste can be used to remove them. Squeeze toothpaste directly onto the carpet stain and scrub it with a toothbrush. Then rinse and repeat the process until the stain disappears. Make sure you wipe any remaining toothpaste with a damp cloth.

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