Hello there, gardening friends!
I realize it’s been rather a long while since my last blog post here and the reason for that is being busy with my new allotment and allotment blog. I have put in a lot of work at my plot since getting it almost a year ago and I’m so pleased with the progress, I enjoy spending time there so it hasn’t felt like hard work if you know what I mean?
I really missed having an allotment, it’s been amazing going back to the allotments where I took on my first plot back in 2011, sadly I had to give up that plot due to ill health and it was a very hard decision to make but I’m well again now after some surgery and loving allotment life again! My new plot is right next door to my first plot and it feels as if I never left.
I’ve you’d like to see the progress of my allotment please visit and follow my allotment blog Pumpkins and Bunting https://pumpkinsandbunting.com/
Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/pumpkinsandbunting/
Instagram @pumpkinsandbunting