
All Passive Skills List in Anime Vanguards Roblox

Posted on the 15 September 2024 by Mejoress

Last Updated on 15 September, 2024

Anime Vanguards may look like other tower defense games, like Anime Defenders, but it has some new and interesting features.

Each unit in this game has its own special skills that make it better. The following is a list of all the passive skills in Anime Vanguards.

All Passive Skills in Anime Vanguards

You can use the table below to find the units that work best together or to see if certain units are worth calling. Use the table search feature to find units that have certain skills.

For example, this lets you find all the units that are hurt by Bleed or Burn. Additionally, you can get enough Gems by completing Anime Vanguards codes to unlock some of the best units in the game and make teams that can’t be stopped.

Unit Passive Skills

Agony Almighty Presence – DMG & RNG +40% after Repulsing an enemy. Resets after 10 seconds.
Looming Threat – Attacked enemies are Repulsed.

Alligator Sand Body – Every attack Slows enemy movement by -50% for 3 seconds

Alocard Casull & Jackal – Attacks inflict Bleed equal to 25% of this units DMG.

Alocard (Vampire King) Casull & Jackal – Attacks inflict Bleed equal to 25% of this unit’s DMG.
Bird of Hermes – Enemies that enter this unit’s range while Bleeding will be afflicted with Wounded; Enemies afflicted with Wounded take 20% more damage.
Restraint Level 0 – Upgrade 8 Gains the ability Restraint Level 0; while Familiars are present on the map, SPA decreases by 10% until they are dead; DMG +1% Every time a familiar dies up to 35%.

Cha-In Pristine Hunter – Crit Rate +20% Crit DMG +50%; Crit Rate +15% when attacking a boss.

Cha-In (Blade Dancer) Pristine Hunter – Crit Rate +20% Crit DMG +50%; Crit Rate +15% when attacking a boss.
Dance! Dance! – 100% chance to dodge attacks. Inflicts an extra instant of DMG after performing a dodge, equal to 65% of her DMG.

Gaari Cursed Sand – After attacking an enemy, lower SPA by -5% for 10 seconds. This effect is stackable Max -50%

Genas Flaming Cyborg – Attacks inflict Burn DMG equal to 20% DMG.
Cybernetic Enhancements – Decreases SPA by -5% with each attack Up to -30%. Resets after not attacking for 8 seconds.

Genitsu Focused Breathing – Every 8th hit deals +200% more damage, 5 second cooldown

Goi Friendly Hunter – DMG +50% to targets inflicted with Burn
Hunters Patience – Itochi inflicts Burn equal to 25% of his DMG

Grim Wow Sixth Sword – Deals +150% DMG to enemies with overshield.
Gran Rey – DMG +10% with each consecutive attack on the same enemy.

Haruka Rin Love Dance – DMG +3% per wave for all units in range, maxing out at +18%.

Haruka Rin (Dancer) Love Dance – DMG +3% per wave for all units in range, maxing out at +18%.
Encore – Once 6 waves have passed from placement, RNG +10% for all units in range.

Ichiga Substitute Soul Reaper – DMG +5% with each attack performed up to +20%. Resets after 10 seconds of not attacking

Igros Rulers Hand – DMG +40% when dealing DMG to a boss.

Igros (Elite Knight) Rulers Hand – DMG +40% when dealing DMG to a boss.
Strongest Shadow – DMG +30% and SPA -10%; Immune to Stun.
Shadow Commander – DMG + RNG +20% for 70 seconds after a shadow enters this units range.

Inosake Beastial Frenzy – Every 10 kills enters a Frenzy, increases DMG by +40%, and lowers SPA by -10% for 5 seconds. 6 Second cooldown
Serrated Blade – Inflicts Bleed equal to 10% of DMG

Itochi Black Flames – DMG +50% to targets inflicted with Burn.
Eternal Flame – Itochi inflicts Burn equal to 25% of his DMG

Joe Star Lineage – DMG +25% and RNG +15%

Jon Ripple Training – DMG +0.2% with each attack performed. Up to +300%

Kinaru Light Speed Step – Immune to Boss/Enemy abilities for 10 seconds. 10 second cooldown.
Pika Pika – SPA -25%; after 5 attacks are performed SPA +25%. Resets at the start of each wave.

Kinnua Trained Assassin – Every 8-16- seconds, this unit enters a Frenzy, lower SPA -40% for 7 seconds.
Lightning Strike – While in Frenzy, +50% chance to Stun.

Kokashi Skill Copy – Every 8 seconds, gains +25% DMG for 8 seconds. Attacks during this time have a +100% to Stun.

Luffo Greatest Pirate – RNG +5% with each attack performed up to +15%. Resets after 10 seconds of not attacking.

Noruto Believe It – DMG +6% after each attack performed up to +42%

Noruto (Sage) Sage Training – After not attacking for 6 seconds, SPA -5% down to -15%.

Noruto (Six Tails) Sage Training – After not attacking for 3.75 seconds. DMG & RNG +20% for the next 30 seconds.
Blistering Rage – After being Stunned, next attack deals +250%

Obita Vanishing Step – SPA -3% per wave down to -12%.

Obita (Awakened) Vanishing Step – SPA -3% per wave down to -12%.
Curse of Hatred – Attacks inflict Burn equal to 30% of DMG.

Pickleo Desperate Trump Card – Every 6th hit deals +150% DMG. 5 Second cooldown.

Roku Raised on Earth – DMG +6% after each attack performed up to +42%

Roku (Dark) Merciless Judgement – Non-boss enemies below 20% HP have a 20% chance to be instantly executed on hit. Story Mode only.
The Meaning of Fury – DMG +15% with each attack performed up to 150%. Loses 50% of the current DMG buff at the start of each wave.

Rukio Ice Princess – DMG +50% on placement This unit is single target.

Sanjo Flaming Fury – SPA -1% with each attack performed Down to -5%

Shinzi Parallel World – DMG +10% each wave up to +50%

Song Jinwu Job Request – Damage +0.1% per takedown up to +40%.

Song Jinwu (Monarch) Job Request – DMG +0.1% per takedown up to +40%
Necromancer – Upgrade 8 Killing enemies adds them to your shadow army up to 40 shadows; using Arise summons 15 shadows and summons 5 shadow Knights.
King of Shadows – Upgrade 9 DMG +2.5% each time a shadow defeats an enemy, up to +25%; Units in the range that include the name Igros also receive this damage increase.

Sosuke Burning Resentment – Sosuke inflicts Burn equal to 30% of his damage.
Sole Survivor – Burn DMG +50%.

Sosuke (Hebi) Way of the Snake – DMG +2% with each consecutive attack on the same enemy.
Lightning Powered Assault – All Attacks inflict Stun on enemies; +50% more DMG to Stunned enemies

Sosuke (Storm) Way of the Snake – DMG +2% with each consecutive attack on the same enemy.
Lightning Powered Assault – All Attacks inflict Stun on enemies; +50% more DMG to Stunned enemies.

SprintWagon Entrepreneur – Earns yen equal to his displayed yen number every wave.

Vogita Royal Might – DMG +5% after each attack performed Up to +35%

Vogita Super Surprise Transformation – SPA -20% if the only units in the range include Vogita.

Vogita Super (Awakened) Surprise Transformation – SPA -20% if the only units in the range include Vogita.
Overwhelming Power – DMG +100 when hitting one enemy.

Best ways to use Passives

Form squads with the greatest synergies to optimize the unit’s potential. Having Vogita troops, for instance, will cause their passives to activate. However, teaming together troops with boss-focused passives will make it easier to take on the most tough opponents in combat.

You may easily filter for the precise talents you need by using the Anime Vanguard passives list above. Naturally, the strongest troops, such as Mythic and Secret characters, belong to the best.

Even though the rarest units are the greatest, Legendary, Epic, and even some Rares have highly helpful passives as well.

Therefore, don’t try to sell until you’ve seen how their passives perform. Surprisingly, you’ll be shocked to hear that having a lot of “average” troops is going to make your battles.

Final Thoughts

Overall, I really hope that you found this Devas of Creation Guide useful and that I was able to help you in using it. Yet, you’re still unsure about what to do, I’ll answer to any words you put below.

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