Mariah Carey's "All I Want For Christmas Is You" is spawning holiday cheer.
Mariah Carey’s “All I Want For Christmas Is You” has, for good or for ill, become as classic a Christmas tune as Wham!’s lonely hook-up jam “Last Christmas” or that craptacular paean to Western imperialism, “Do They Know It’s Christmas?”
And now, Mimi’s high-pitched warbling has inspired a whole flock of Christmas viral videos. YouTube is positively littered with folks, young and old, gay and straight, lip-synching to “All I Want For Christmas Is You”, Santa hat optional. We fully admit that we ripped this off from The Washington Post’s ArtsPost blog, but it was only a matter of time before someone put them all together in a blog post to rule them all. Said Maria Judkis, who complied the Mimi lip-synch vids, “Mariah Carey Christmas lip-synch videos are like snowflakes: From far away, they all seem like they’re the same, but up close, they’re sparkling and unique.”
Indeed they are.
Let’s start with the red leotards. Gawker branded the video of two lithe young dancers springing around a studio space in downtown Manhattan “the first victory of the holiday viral video season”; their “Miracle on 42nd Street” moves sure beat the pants off some singing cats, though we maybe could have done without the crotch-shot.
Dance like no one is watching. Even though they are. With amused horror in some cases.
And finally, heartwarming: The brave sailors on board HMS Ocean were deployed for a seven week voyage which, when Libya kicked off, turned into seven and a half months; in the time they were gone, 15 babies were born to men in the ship’s company, five people were sent home so they didn’t miss their own weddings, and the ship’s Father missed his own daughter’s graduation. But, in a bit of a Christmas miracle, they’ll will be back home in time for Christmas – so they made this happy little video.