If you've chosen a family friend or family member to be the flower girl, you've presented her with a great honor! She'll be super excited. Now you have to decide all the particulars: so many flower girl dresses, so what dress will she wear? What will she carry? Here some fun and unique flower girl ideas and options you have.
These are whimsical and beautiful and would look fantastic alone or sticking out of the flower girl's bouquet. If you really want to create a whimsical look, pin butterflies in her hair as well.
For Super Young Family Members
Maybe there's a special little girl that you'd love to have as part of your wedding, but she's just too young to actually walk down the aisle. Have your photographer work in a couple of fantastic shots of her so you and she can always see how much a part of your wedding she was!
Make a Sweet Flower Girl Basket
You can make a sweet and inexpensive flower girl basket by tying ribbons to a tiny garden pail and filling it with rose petals. It's beautiful and takes just a few minutes to create.
Go with the Color
Who says flower girls have to wear white or off-white. Let your little flower girl shine with beautiful bright colors. This peacock dress is packing tons of color and looks super sweet on this little flower girl.
Flower Crown
Create or purchase a beautiful crown of flowers for your little flower girl. This is a whimsical and ethereal look and she will definitely feel like a princess!
These are just a few fun ideas you can use for your wedding and flower girl. They're sweet and she's sure to have a ton of fun getting ready for the big day.