Gadgets Magazine

All About Hackitude

Posted on the 12 February 2013 by Kk5190 @hakkk99

Explain why you chose your blog’s title and what it means to you.

One year ago, I wanted to publish a free hacking magazine in pdf format for my Facebook page Hacks & Cracks. There was no specific reason and ambition behind this. I read a free  online magazine Cipher and I thought I can also publish a (better) magazine. So I did.

The first thing I needed was an online space where I can publish my magazines, so I started a free WordPress blog. Since I have not any intention of earning money through my magazine so I thought a free blog was the best decision that time.

I posted a post on my page asking people to suggest a name for my magazine. I got a few suggestions like HackAdda, Hackplanet etc. Then my brother suggested “Hackitude” (which he found on google I guess), I liked this name and don’t have anything better than this. So, I started my blog Hackitudemagazine. I published magazines for a few months then I got bored and stopped publishing it.

In programming slang, Hackitude refers to the degree of quick fixes, limited-scope solutions, the workarounds and inclusion of fragile code.

This is all about my blog title. I will love to see  your opinion and views about this post in the comments, guys.

This was written for the Daily Prompt: All About Me

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