Celeb Magazine

Alexander Skarsgård Talks About a New Character in “True Blood” and More About the New Season

Posted on the 02 June 2013 by Tbfansource @tbfansource

Alexander Skarsgard Mark Davis Getty ImagesWe all have come to know and love the 1,000-year-old Viking vampire Eric Northman, who is played by Alexander Skarsgård.  With the new season of “True Blood” starting it’s sixth season on HBO on June 16th there are a lot of whispers going around on what could be happening in the new season.  Alexander was able to sit down and talk about the new character this season, but of course there is really only so much he can tell us.

“There’s a new… oh God, I’ve got to be careful here.  Someone is introduced, a new character, into Eric’s life.”

So could this new person be a love interest for Eric?

“Maybe, maybe not.  But there’s someone new who’s suddenly part of his inner circle.”

So is all of the buzz that Eric will be killed off this season true??

“I’m right here!  We’re wrapping up. We’re now [doing]  the last two episodes of the season. I’m obviously not going to reveal what happens in those last two episodes but Eric has been busy this year because, up until   now, the humans have been blood bags. Eric doesn’t really care about humans and they can’t really do anything. But this season, for the first time in a millennium, the humans can actually fight back. The governor of Louisiana has figured out a way to be a real threat and fight back. So it’s tough for Eric. It’s not as easy as it was before, dealing with the humans.”

Being on the hit HBO show has made some big changes to his life.

“I got a home last year for the first time in 10 years.  [Since he spends] about six months a year here.  When we shoot the show, I’m here.  When we were not, I was in Shreveport shooting, ‘The East’ or in New York with ‘What Maisie Knew’ or ‘Disconnect’.  If I get a little break, I’ll go home.  Last year, I went sailing.  Professionally, “True Blood” change things a lot for me.  Before “True Blood”, I did theater and movies.  There was a level of uncertainty.  You finish a job and then you’re like, ‘Uh oh, how am I going to pay my bills next month?’ What’s been great about ‘True Blood’ is … a lot of things. One of them is that it has given me security, financially, to do whatever I want creatively. It’s a lovely feeling, like last fall, when I did ‘The East,’ ‘Disconnect’ and ‘What Maisie Knew.’ All three were pretty small independent films.”

Along with talking about the show Alex opens up about his family a little bit as well.

“We’re kind of boring in our family because we follow either dad or mom.  Then dad and his new wife (Megan Everett) have two young boys. We’re a very big family—eight children total. Two of my younger brothers are actors, too.  Sam, my younger brother, is in med school and is doing his residency now.  So he’s going to be a doctor.  We’re either actors or doctors.”

He also gives tribute to his mother on how she was able to be in medical school and raising a family.

“Mom went through medical school while raising six kids and taking care of the household. When I was a kid, dad was on stage doing repertory theater, which meant he would rehearse one play during the day and then perform another play at night. I love my father. He was a great dad when I was growing up but it was tough because I didn’t get to see him much. He worked 16-hour days, six to seven days a week. I would go to the theater and hang out backstage to see dad, basically. It was fun for a kid but it was tough.  My mom had the huge responsibility because she had to take that whole load in a way. Dad was at the theater so much. She sacrificed a lot. Her work ethic is amazing because, as I said, she raised six kids and went through med school while doing that.”

To read the rest of the interview all you need to do is go here.

Source: Inquirer Entertainment – “Alexander Skarsgård reveals a new character in his ‘True Blood’ life – and will Eric be killed off?”

Image Credit: Mark Davis/Getty Images

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