His eyes are weirdly hypnotic... I think I'm turning into a sex zombie.
No need to thank me.
You’re totally welcome for the violently beautiful Swede located at the top of this post.
Ya, I just picked a random photo out of my wedding album. Whatever. No big deal.
Anyways… Guess what I just found out?
Sweden is amaaazing! About 4 people from Sweden visit my blog each day. So, to my Swedish readers I’d like to say:
Hej! Hur mår du?
I happen to know a little Swedish. It has nothing to do with cyber-stalking A. Skars…
Guess what else I found out?
You know what they have in Sweden?
Finally! A reason for that useless holiday! #blasphemy (I’m totally tweeting that. Don’t steal it.)
Precariously dangling a leashed man over shark infested waters. I like her style. Oh wait. Those might be foggy rooftops. Meh, either way. Side note: "Oh Wait Those Might Be Foggy Rooftops" would totally be the name of my autobiography. Coming to an iPad near you, "Oh Wait Those Might Be Foggy Rooftops: The Randi Bergsma Story"
I’m told by the internet that Easter in Sweden is similar to Halloween in Canada/United States/maybe Britain, in that children dress up as witches and go door to door collecting candy in adorable copper pots. You can read more about it here.
And that, ladies and gentleman, is why you read my blog. #Education