Motion designer Raul Marx, who has won two Emmys, worked with the Calder Foundation and TRLab to make the NFT collection, which was inspired by Calder’s work. This project, called “Calder Question,” is the first official NFT work. It is a tribute to the artist Alexander Calder, who lived in the 20th century. Let’s look at the NFTs that Raul Marx Calder made in limited quantities.
Raul Marx’s “The Calder Question” has NFTs that are made in limited numbers
The Calder Foundation and TRLAB announced on October 6 that they would be working with Raul Marx on a new NFT project. Because of this connection, Raul Marx made a limited-edition NFT for “mobiles,” the first season of the Calder question. The only point of the mobiles is to show how good Calder was at making sculptures.
Limited-edition NFTs beg the obvious question: There are five amazing mobile arts that are each one minute long. Also, after the learning experience is over, participants may be able to use them, but they may have to pay for it. But anyone can join the event for free. Also, in order to move forward in the 3-week journey, participants need to connect their crypto wallet.
Marx was able to work with Rover to give viewers a unique look at mobile NFTs from a technological point of view. He said, “I want the viewer to reach the edge of space, peek into a black hole surrounded by points of light, or swoon beneath a giant monolith suspended in the void”. Above all, he wanted people to know how amazing Calder’s work was and how important it still is.
More about The Calder Question
the calder issue The memory of Alexander Calder, which was unveiled on October 6, is a useful NFT archiving experience. The project also aims to incorporate gaming, the NFT collection, and art education components into an interactive art experience.
Participants will complete challenges and teamwork tasks over the course of the three-week project to earn rewards. More importantly, those who participate the most often will be granted special access to collectibles and invitations to art festivals.
By the end of the journey, on October 31, active participants will be able to buy five NFTs for every $8,000. But the price goes up to $16,000 on November 1.
by asking the Calder question People who sign up will:
Find out about Alexander Calder’s art and what he left behind.
Take online quizzes and do assembly challenges
Unlock prizes and access to art events.
Get a limited-edition NFT that artist Raul Marx made especially for the project.
Raul Marx
Raul Marx is a film and image producer who has won two Emmy Awards. He has worked on scenes for shows like The Crown, Westworld, and True Detective, in addition to his current project with The Calder Foundation. He has also worked with big companies like Apple and Louis Vuitton to make big campaigns. Marx’s organization, Triple X, focuses on putting together good digital art and NFT projects. Pop Zero – NFT Collection was made by Raul Marx in March. He has bigger plans for the NFT space.
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