Books Magazine
ALBINO ANIMALS: RARE, PALE BEAUTIES, New Book for Fourth Grade Reading Program
By Carolinearnoldtravel @CarolineSArnoldPerfectly pale: Animals come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. Some even come with no color at all. Researchers estimate that one in ten thousand mammals is born without any color. Discover some of these extraordinary albino animals inside this book.
Illustrated with spectacular color photographs, this 24 page book is written for fourth grade readers. It is part of the Fountas Pinnell Leveled Literacy Intervention program. Like my books Octopus, Escape Artist of the Sea and How Smart is a Lemur?, Albino Animals is in the Intriguing Animals series. My book Sneezes and Sniffles is also in the Fountas Pinnell LLI program.