Spirituality Magazine

Al Franken Will Make A Statement Thursday After Dems Ask Him To Resign

By Firstladyb


Al Franken Will Make A Statement Thursday After Dems Ask Him To Resign
Sen. Al Franken office said Wednesday that the Senator will make a statement Thursday morning, after a seventh woman has come forward claiming sexual harassment.

The seventh allegation has triggered a campaign started by Democratic women asking for Al Franken to resign.

Al Franken

A former Democratic Congressional aide told Politico that Franken tried to force her to kiss him.

The  aide said Franken made his move after her boss had left the room. “It was very quick and I think my brain had to work really hard to be like ‘Wait, what is happening?’ But I knew whatever was happening was not right and I ducked. I was really startled by it…. and he said, ‘It’s my right as an entertainer,’” Politico reported.

Responded Franken: “This allegation is categorically not true and the idea that I would claim this as my right as an entertainer is preposterous. I look forward to fully cooperating with the ongoing ethics committee investigation.”

At least six women — three named and three unnamed — have accused Franken of inappropriately touching them.

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