After Rajinikanth, Kamal Haasan, Surya it is Ajith who enjoys star status among the audience in Andhra Pradesh. Though Ajith is yet to score a super hit at the Tollywood box office, he is quite popular with Gambler (Mankatha) and Aata Aarambam (Arrambam) among the crowd. Ajith’s Veeram released for Pongal in Tamil has emerged as a winner at the Kollywood Box office. Srinu Babu who earlier released Ajth’s Aarambham in telugu as Aata Aarambham has acquired dubbing rights of Veeram too and is releasing it as ‘Veerudokkade’ under his banner Omics Group.
‘Veerudokkade’ was supposed to release in last week of January, but it didn’t happened. After several postponements finally ‘Veerudokkade’ gets a release date and is gearing up to release on March 21st. Shauryam, Shankham, Daruvu fame Shiva has directed this action entertainer set in rural backdrop. Thamanna appeared as heroine opposite Ajith and Devi Sri Prasad has composed the music for this film.