Books Magazine

Aira in 2012

By Aira @airamabs

Aira in 2012

Psycho babble headed your way in 3…2…1…

Another year, another chance to get things right. If the past year hasn’t been kind to you, don’t let that be the dragging force to keep you from making 2012 your year. Time to start fresh, time to forget and learn from mistakes we’ve made. I’ve been racking my brain, trying to come up with this awesome list of things I want to accomplish this year. What I realized though is this: what we all want, well what most of us want is to travel, fall in love and basically, be happy. Happiness is a choice. Yeah, things in life make it difficult but at the end of the day you control your own happiness.

And with that said, here’s my New Years Resolutions:

1. I want to be a better person. How I’m going to do this, I have no idea.

2. I want to read more books with substance. I’m cutting down on Paranormal YA Romance novels (blasphemy, I know!) and focusing more on books like A Game of Thrones (A Song of Fire and Ice Series) by George R.R. Martin, The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien, etc. You get the picture.

3. Cut back on expenses. I confess, I order too many books on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. What happens is this, as soon as a book I want to read comes out, I have to get it ASAP. No Aira, NO. You have a HUGE pile of unread books on your bookshelf. You must get to those first before ordering more. And please, as soon as you spot a MAC counter or a Sephora when you’re in the mall, turn and walk away. Just walk away, it’s for the best. Point taken? Good.

4. Fix body clock. I’ve been the queen of ‘Up All Night, Sleep All Day Morning’ for as long as I can remember. I miss waking up and having breakfast as my first meal of the day.

5. Play an instrument. I want to re-learn how to play the piano.

6. Get in shape. I think it goes without saying. I want to lose weight, exercise and eat healthier. Be a health nut, if you will. I deserve a pat on the back, I got off the couch and actually started working out yesterday! Way to go, little me.

I guess this concludes my obligatory Happy New Year post for 2012. Ha! ;)


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