Debate Magazine

Ah HAH! No WONDER Conservatives Think They Need Guns for Protection -- SHAPE SHIFTING SPACE ALIENS!

Posted on the 23 May 2014 by Mikeb302000
I'm Baaaaaaaaaaaaack!  
Ah HAH! No WONDER Conservatives think they need guns for protection -- SHAPE SHIFTING SPACE ALIENS!Ah HAH! No WONDER Conservatives think they need guns for protection -- SHAPE SHIFTING SPACE ALIENS!

And he is actually a shape shifting SPACE ALIEN (who looks a little bit like James Carville - uh OH!).
Here is a little fun at the expense of the cray cray CRAZY conservative conspiracy theory believers. There are, sadly, so many of them; it is a defining quality of conservatives that they believe things which are not true or factual.  
And those things scare them, so they need to carry guns at all times. Because......shape shifting space aliens walk among us! (and other wacko conspiracies on the right).  Benghazi! The IRS conspiracy! WARRANTLESS GUN CONFISCATIONS!
Etc. etc. etc.
Some of them are inadvertently really really funny. Join me in laughing AT them, not with them (if you can -- this may hit too close to home for some of you who are less-well-connected to reality).  

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