Fashion Magazine

Afternoon Portraits

By Cestlabellevie @cestlabelle_vie
afternoon portraitsafternoon portraitsafternoon portraitsafternoon portraitsafternoon portraitsLast a week, Erin, who attends the college ministry I intern for, asked if I would take a photo of her to send to her boyfriend who just started basic training in Texas. The only communication they have is a 15 minute phone call once a week, which she unfortunately missed last week, so she has taken to writing him a letter every day and sending them all once a week (tres sweet). I, of course, got way too excited about it and offered to style her outfit & do a little photoshoot on my favorite path in Bellingham. She agreed!
Erin's style is a touch more badass than my closet can handle, but she said that her boyfriend likes simple style & that she likes lace--which instantly made me happy on two accounts: one, there's  nothing I love more than the pairing of tattoos + a girly dress and two, I just bought this adorable white lace dress from Buffalo Exchange last week. She wanted to keep it a little tougher, so I grabbed my favorite worn-in combat boots & topped it off with a pop of color in the form of my newest garden & sea cowl. We did these shots in about 20 minutes and it felt reaaal good to have someone in front of my camera again, especially for such a sweet reason. 
ps: the necklace she is wearing was a gift from her boyfriend before he left. awwwwwww. 

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