Business Magazine

After Winning 10 Uniform Rapid Suspensions in Dec. Nissan Loses Its 1st on

Posted on the 23 December 2014 by Worldwide @thedomains

Nissan Motors has just lost it first Uniform Rapid Suspension (URS) proceeding after winning ten URS in just December.

Richard W. Hill, as Examiner declined to suspend the domain even though the domain holder failed to respond.

The opinion is completely devoid of any reason of why the complaint was dismissed, or how it varied from the other 10 URS Complaints that won Nissan on new gTLD domain name.

I mean there is not a word as to the reasoning behind the decision.

All the examiner said was:

” After reviewing the parties submissions, the Examiner determines that the following domain names should be dismissed without any findings; the Examiner hereby Orders the following domain name(s) be returned to the control of the Respondent.”

Merry Christmas to the domain holder Privat Eric Heyne.

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