Books Magazine

After Two Years, We Almost Have Lift Off

By Steph's Scribe @stephverni

Just a few more days of the semester, and then I’ll be making my final edits to this book on the actual proof.

After Two Years, We Almost Have Lift OffThe synopsis from the back of the novel.

If you want to know my process, the steps go something like this:

1-Come up with the idea

2-Brainstorm the characters and plot

3-Begin drafting

4-Keep working on it until you type “The End,” which is not really the end, but more like a beginning

5-Begin combing through each chapter

6-Make changes (I tend to make a lot of alterations during the first round; more on the second round; and even more on the third round +)

7-Give it to beta readers when you think it’s decent

8-Get feedback from beta readers; really take into consideration what they think

9-Edit again

10-Proofread it all the way through as a reader

11-Typeset the book

12-Craft a cover

13-Receive a proof

14-Proof the proof *** This is the stage I am in now

15-Edit the final proof; clean up anything on final draft

16-Order another proof

17-Read it through one last time

18-Hopefully, it’s clean; if not, make any changes

19-Give it to ARC readers

20-Publish the damn thing

I really hope you’ll like it. I have agonized over it a lot.

After Two Years, We Almost Have Lift Off
How it started…The original title was called FOUR IN A YEAR. That changed to THE LETTERS IN THE BOOKS. Additionally, some of these initial aspects have changed as well. A lot can changed over two years, that’s for sure!
Holding the proof.
After Two Years, We Almost Have Lift Off

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